37: Preliminaries II

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Misumi Tsurugi Vs Kankuro

Naruto immediately went from playful to serious. Since Misumi was a spy too and he didn't get any of them, it means they need to do the next option, it is to deal him after the preliminaries.

"His bone is a bit odd," Hinata murmur.

"Odd?" Ino ask who was near to her.

"Yes, it was coated directly by chakras which probably mean that his power is base on his bone," Hinata explain. They watch how Misumi stretch his body like a rubber to circle himself to Kankuro. But instead of Kankuro being held one, it was his Karasu. Kankuro deal Misumi viciously which makes the other smirk.

"I... I forfiet!" Misumi scream from pain. Why not? Naruto just secretly targeted him while Kankuru is strangle him. He double the pain for some payback. After a second, Kankuro free Misumi as Misumi lost his consciousness.

Sakura was to terrified but the determination is in her eyes so she went to the bathroom first to refresh herself. Ino went also to the bathroom and they exchange a lot of vicious insult to each other before Sakura went back outside followed by Ino.

"Winner by Forfiet, Kankuro of the Sand," Hayate declared. The monitor spin again to choose the next pair.

Haruno Sakura Vs Yamanaka Ino

"Oh, how is that, Forehead? We will fight each other?" Ino said, smirking.

"Bring it on, Ino-pig," Sakura said and went down.

"I'll bet all my asset, this fight will be a double knockout," Naruto said.

"Agree," Sasuke said and sigh.

"What do you mean?" Kakashi ask. Asuma also curiously look to the two.

"Sakura is an earth type but Ino is Lightning type so it is clearly that Ino has an advantage. However, Sakura had Medical Ninjutsu to her arsenal plus poisons senbons which is clearly a disadvantage to Ino. Ino on the other hand, had been train for few winds and her Bloodline limit towards the brain. Imagine how it will end?" Shikamaru said while yawning.

"They have advantage and disadvantage to each other. But both of them had doubt to their abilities, maybe because they see on how powerful we are and the gap was too obvious thats why they develope it," Choji said while munching his chips.

The battle between Sakura and Ino was average to the eyes of SoK members. Specially they throw there Ninjutsu without thinking. But Naruto smile as he see that the battle become a bridge to fix their long time broken friendship. Just like what Naruto said, the fight is double knockout.

"Neither of them can continue to fight. I declare a double Knockout. No one will proceed in Finals," Hayate declare. The medic nins take the two just like how they take the others in the battle.

Tenten of Leaf Vs Temari of Sand

Tenten was viciously beaten by Temari as she was a Wind Type Ninja. Even when she use her ace card, her weapons is useless towards the Wind. In the end, Hayate declared the winner.

"Winner by knockout, Temari of the Sand," Hayate declared.

Nara Shikamaru Vs Tsuchi Kin

"Troublesome, why do I need to fight a girl? Nevermind, I'll finish this quickly," Shikamaru said and jump to the first floor.

As Hayate said the word begin, Shikamaru did a Tiger seal and smirk.

"Combination Technique: Shadow Shockwaves," he murmure. The who area where Shikamaru and Kin was standingin become dark within a second.

"Wh-What are you doing?" Kin ask fearfully.

When Shikamaru finish the technique, all they just hear is the scream of Kin who was electrocuted by Shikamaru. He release the technique and went back to the second floor even before Hayate declared the winner.

"Winner by Knockout, Nara Shikamaru," everyone was too quiet as they didn't expect that the fight will just end just like that. Sasuke on the other hand open his eyes but still look sleepy. He had the feeling that Naruto will be the next one to fight. As a good, Big Brother, he needs to support him

Uzumaki Naruto Vs Inuzuka Kiba.

"Wow! What a free pass!" Kiba exclaim.

"I don't even need Akamaru to defeat you," he boasted.

"Do not underestimate him, Kiba-kun," Hinata said.

"Nah! He's just a dobe," Sasuke glare to Kiba, ready to assault him but Naruto hold his shoulder and smile after he look to him. Sasuke sigh and Naruto jump to the first floor.

"Begin," Naruto immediately unseal one of his seals to get a scroll. Kiba on the other hand run towards Naruto. Which is clearly too idiotic. Naruto's hand went to a series of hand seals until Kiba grab Naruto which becomes the trigger as the seal paralyzed him and Akamaru.

"If I activate the seals further, you and Akamaru will get hurt so forfeit now, Kiba," Naruto said blankly. Kiba look to Akamaru and sigh.

"I forfiet," Kiba embarrassingly said.

"Winner by Forfiet, Uzumaki Naruto," Hayate declared. Sasuke chuckle as he knows that seals it. It was just a paralysis seals. Its function is to paralyzed the target until he deactivate the seal itself.

Uzumaki Hinata Vs Hyuga Neji

"Uzumaki? How come?" Ino who was just wake up a while ago ask.

"Hinata was banish to the Hyuga Clan. As I have a power to raise her, I adopt her," Naruto explain. He was worried to what might Neji do to Hinata. Hinata had a Cage Bird Seal to her forehead. He was still in process of finding a solution to it. But fortunately, he was in his 75% in process to complete. He contained the hindrance to Hinata's Byakugan but not the side effect as the seal will affect the brain of Hinata if it was contained too.

Neji smugly smile as he really want to battle with her. It is the battle he wanted to fight. A fight with his hateful cousin who was banish by the clan head because of her weakness. He hates her to death and thats a fact.

I don't know what will you say to the next chapter. I'm a bit nervous to the result

 I'm a bit nervous to the result

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Next Chapter:
Hinata Vs Neji

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