109: To Continue

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Naruto did his best to focus on their battle to their research. With a lot of stacks of paper in their HQ,  sometimes he felt drown. But if he will stop, he will think about Sasuke who had been kidnap under his nose.

He was proclaim as God of Shinobi once and become a greatest hero of many generations, but here he was, he can't even be able to save his older brother. He was thinking, why the fate is cruel to them? Why can't they just let them happy? It feels like they have been toyed all their life. Now, another almost success in their mission. They already manage to strengthen their bond and creates a good foundation towards their plan with the help of other people.

But even if they didn't manage to fight, Sasuke is now out of nowhere.

"Naruto, please sleel even for an hour. You're exhausting yourself," Choji worriedly said.

"Naruto! Please," Shino mutter. All of them are begging for Naruto to sleep but he was too stubborn to sleep so Hinata inject him a potent sleeping pills so he was knockout immediately.

"I don't want to see him like this," Lee sadly said.

"He needs his spirit to lift up and be determined to do this task. Sasuke is still okay," Shikamaru said.

"Let's put him to his bed. I'll tell Auntie Kana about the situation," Hinata said. The four of them nodded and lifted Naruto to go back to his room.



I'm Sorry...

I failed you...

I didn't manage to save Sasuke to that portal and made him stuck there for 5 years. We encounter Zetsu and didn't know that he knows how to use seals and hypnotism. We manage to escape his graps when he control us, but he slam a seal to Sasuke preventing him to use his eye. It was too fast that in justva second, Sasuke is nowhere to be found.

I did broke my promise that Sasuke will not be harm. So I am deeply sorry about it. But I'll promise to do my best to bring him back here. Even if it will cause my life. He was like an Older Brother to me and my precious person too.

I hope you still can hide our secret. I'm sorry to since I didn't manage to tell Sasuke that your eyes was already been an EMS. Sorry for their attack too and the damage that Shika did to your partner.


Itachi sigh and burn the letter. He was the reason why Naruto did have some inside information about Akatsuki. He help Lee to gather information even if the risk is high and many of the informartion they needed are all hidden that only Nagato can open and they can surely only have few information too.

"He's blaming himself. This kid, he was too matured to me as if he was my senior. But no matter what, I'm glad to follow someone like him. He was just 13 years old but already a Hokage," Itachi thinks. He grab the paper and pen then started to write for Naruto.

Dear Naruto

Sometimes we can't control things the way they are. It can corner you to the point that you have no choice but to choose or let something to happen even if it is not what you desire. I am happy that my little brother have someone like you to look for him when in fact that I should be the one to do it.

I did gave you the task to protect my brother. But from what I understand, its not your fault that Sasuke was gone missing now. I'll try to find some information here on what really happen to my Little Brother. I'm deeply thankful for your help and as y payment, I'll do my best to give you more clue about whats happening here.

Naruto-kun, try to save Sasuke in span of 3 years because Akatsuki will start hunting the biju in that time. Remember not to let yourself be eaten by your inner demons and inner darkness. This might be a lesson for you so stand up and get stronger.

I know its sounds ridiculous, but I trust Sasuke and my life to you. Good luck to your crusades towards a true peace. I hope I can see that peace in ny own eye.


Itachi immediately put the letter in his crow and it disappeared. Itachi's Eternal Mangekyo Sharing an spin and deactivated. He smile remembering how he get it.


"Are you going to the Akatsuki base?" Naruto ask. Itachi was beyond shock but he smile and nodded.

"If you wanted to spy with them, be careful to Uchiha Obito. He was the one who had a orange spiral mask who pretend to be Madara. Be wary to Pein too and try to he had a Reinnigan that came from the real Madara. He had an orange hair. Make sure to win his trust so you can know where his real body. His real body name Nagato be careful not get caught," Naruto warn.

Itachi was now beyond shock, how did he manage to know about it? Jiyara will die to this kind of information.

"How did you know about this, Naruto-kun?" Naruto use teleportation to go at the middle of Fire Country boarders.

"I have my way how. I'll be the one to take care of Sasuke. Now win the trust of that two. This scroll will only be read by you. Use your blood to open it. Even someone will see it, this letter will convert to their eyes a letter from Sasuke. You need to be careful since they are really dangerous. This had an information about a lot of things I told you," Naruto gave him a cylinder with Shisui's eyes.

"I grab Shisui's eyes to Danzo. I'll transplant it to you now to my dimension so that you'll gain ESM. Please trust me, Itachi-nii," Itachi sigh and nodded. Then both of them vanish.

Naruto started to transplant Shisui's eyes and heal him immediately. This makes everything to Naruto went smooth.

"Obito is already in Konoha checking to your masterpiece. He'll wait you at the end of Fire Country boarder, good luck Itachi-nii," Itachi smile and nodded again. Things become more interesting to him. Just like what Naruto said, he saw Obito at the boarder.


Until that day,  nobody manage to know that Itachi already have EMS. Even Sasuke didn't know about this.


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