XLVI: don't screw this up

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"NO HOLLY DO-" I groan loudly as I feel the small, excited dog jump onto my chest and start to lick my face. 

Yoongi lets out a similar groan as I sit up and try to untangle myself from his arms, "Jagi, stop moving." 

"Yoongs, I have to," I laugh softly, "Holly and Chunnie are awake. Wide awake." 

Yoongi whines and removes his arms that had been previously wrapped around me and instead turns the other way, falling back asleep. I shake my head and stretch my arms out, turning my head to see a smiling Chunhei leaning against the doorframe trying to hold in her laughter. I pick Holly up in my arms and wake my way over to her, bending down to place peck on her forehead. 

"Good morning, princess," I greet, brushing a few stray hairs away from her face, "How did you sleep?"

"Good morning, mummy!" She cheers, grabbing my hand and leading me downstairs, "I slept really good!! Holly slept in my bed, too!"

"Good morning, pretty girls," Yoongi's father greets, putting down his coffee mug and walking towards us. He laughs as Chunhei jumps into his arms. He places a kiss on her cheek before walking over and pulling me in for a side hug. 

"Did you sleep okay, sweetheart?" He asks, sitting back down and placing Chunhei on his lap. 

"Yes! I slept pretty good," I confirm, sitting across from him. 

"I heard Eomma kept you and Yoongi awake pretty late though," Appa laughs, passing me a coffee mug, "How do you like your coffee?"

"She made YN cry," A new voice interrupts. 

We all turn our heads to see a sleepy Yoongi, messy haired and wearing plaid pajama pants, standing in the doorway of the dining room. 

"Also she likes it black with 2 spoons of sugar," He continues, walking over and plopping himself next to me. 

"I didn't mean to!" Eomma emerges from the kitchen, carrying plates of food and placing them on the table, "I couldn't help it!! I love YN so I had to tell her! Now, help me get the rest of the food out, Yoongi." 

Yoongi whines before standing up and heading to the kitchen to help bring out the food. 

"Here you go, YN," Appa pushes the mug full of coffee towards me, "I hope you don't mind her. She can get very emotional and tends to just spew it all out instead of keeping it in. She really loves you and she couldn't wait a bit longer to tell you." 

"How come everyone is talking about me this morning," Eomma comes back in with more plates of food.

I shake my head and walk over to her, taking a plate stacked high with pancakes from her and bringing them over to the table, "I don't mind it at all! I love it actually! My mom is about the same." 

"Why, I'd love to meet her!" Eomma smiles, taking a seat, "Let's dig in!"


"Yoongi loved all the street foods here," Eomma explains, leading us down a long street teeming with vendors selling food, clothes, toys, and all sorts of trinkets, "He'd eat the tteokbokki like it was no one's business. No wonder his cheeks are so round and squishy." 

"Chunnie is the same!" I add, looking over to Chunhei who was comfortably being carried in the arms of her harabeoji, "If I'm not making pasta, it's tteokbokki. She doesn't even mind a bit of spice!" 

"She's just like Yoongi, I swear," Eomma giggles, leading us towards a stall. 

"Yoongi-ah! You're finally back here after so long!!" The older lady running the food stall calls as soon as we get close to her, "Where is my baby Chunnie?? And who is this beautiful lady?" 

"Ajumma, I come back every year!" Yoongi answers back, cheeks slightly flushed from embarrassment, "This is YN, my girlfriend. We've been together for a while now."

"She's gorgeous, Yoongi," The lady coos, walking out from behind her stall and over to us, "Where's my Chunnie?" 

"RIGHT HERE, AJUMMA!!" Chunhei laughs, stretching her arms out towards the lady. 

"YN, this is Kim Eun Jung," Eomma introduces, "She's one of my closest friends and Yoongi's old babysitter. She's like Yoongi's 2nd mother." 

"I remember when Yoongi would refuse to put clothes on after I'd shower him," She laughs, earning an irritated groan from Yoongi, "Or when he'd cry before me or his eomma would drop him off to school."

"How about some tteokbokki, ajumma?" Yoongi interrupts, pulling us closer to the food stall, "I hope you still have some fish cake for us. It's Chunhei's and YN's favorite!!" 

Eun Jung simply laughs and walks back over behind the stall to prepare our food. She hums softly as we settle on the seating area surrounding her stall. She moves quickly yet elegantly as she scoops up the rice cakes covered in spicy sauce. She hands them over as Chunhei makes herself comfortable in the seat between Yoongi and I. 

"Yummy!" She exclaims, immediately moving towards the food. 

"Nu uh, sweet girl," I stop her before she can eat, "Let me tie your hair back first before you get yourself messy." 

I stand up and quickly unbutton her jacket so she can eat more comfortably and tie her hair into a bun on top of her head before handing her some chopsticks. 

"Fishcake!" Ajumma cheers, bringing over a plate of fishcakes on sticks, "YN, you're great with her. Your motherly instincts are top tier."

My cheeks flush as she sends a wink my way. We all quickly dig in while the food was still warm. Silence fills the group as we all tuck into our food. 

"I forgot how amazing your food is," Yoongi speaks after eating quietly for a few minutes, "I fed you for years, honey. I'm surprised you aren't sick of it yet. How is it, YN?" 

"It's delicious!" I exclaim, struggling slightly as I had shoved a rice cake into my mouth a few seconds before the question. 

Everyone laughs as Yoongi brings up a napkin to my face, gently wiping away some sauce from the corner of my mouth, "You're so cute, Jagiya." 

"And a great eater!!" Ajumma adds in, "I like you, YN! You're great with Chunhei and you eat so well! Yoongi, you better not screw this up!" 

Yoongi laughs as both our cheeks erupt in a pink blush, "I won't! I promise." 

a/n: if you couldn't tell, I had quite the bad case of writer's block :( I tried several times to write a chapter but every word I wrote did not come out right so I let myself have a mental break

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a/n: if you couldn't tell, I had quite the bad case of writer's block :( I tried several times to write a chapter but every word I wrote did not come out right so I let myself have a mental break. the break helped a bit, but I'm still working through quite a bit of anxiety so updates aren't going to be too often. I'm so sorry for the lack of updates but just know that I am seeing all your comments, like and votes!! I truly appreciate all your love and support for Mummy and I hope to bring more quality chapters soon! thank you all so much!!

see you in the next update! 

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