XLV: promise

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I flutter my eyes open and blindly search for my phone on the bedside table. Once I get a grip of it, I turn it on and groan as I see the time. 


After a relaxed afternoon of hanging out with Yoongi's parents, we all quickly retired to bed with plans to explore Daegu the next day. Chunhei had spent the whole afternoon playing with Holly, Yoongi's dog who had been staying in Daegu, and had basically passed out once we put her into bed. A few hours later, Yoongi and I also went to bed since the drive and the day had been tiring. 

After a few hours of sleep, I found myself wide awake and could no longer fall back asleep. I tuck my phone away and turn to my right where Yoongi lay asleep on his side with one arm as a pillow and the other loosely draped over my torso. 

"I probably won't fall back asleep just laying here," I think to myself as I slowly try and slide away from Yoongi's grip. He stirs a bit but stays sleeping. I let out a sigh and pull my hair into a bun, throwing on Yoongi's hoodie that had been laying on the edge of the bed. 

I walk out of the room and quietly pad over to the room where Chunhei was sleeping. I quickly peek in and see her deep asleep, clutching her blanket and a stuffed tiger she had gotten from my parents back in Busan. At the edge of her bed, Holly laid also in a slumber. I mentally awe and walk over, placing a soft kiss to her forehead before walking back out. 

My feet take me downstairs and to the back porch. I quietly slide the door open and sit on one of the chairs placed conveniently on the porch, pulling my knees up against chest. The wind was blowing quite strong so I had to put the hood up on Yoongi's hoodie. 

As I listen to the whistle of the wind, my mind goes back to the question Yoongi's mom had today at lunch. For a while now, I had been thinking ahead and into the possible future of me, Yoongi and Chunhei. Even though Yoongi has reassured me multiple times that , the possibility of having more kids and giving Chunhei more siblings terrifies me. At the end of the day, Chunhei is-

"Can't sleep?"

I jolt up and turn around to see Eomma leaning against the door frame, holding two steaming mugs. She sends me a soft gummy smile and holds out one mug which I gently take and cradle between my hands. 

"It's chamomile tea," She softly speaks, moving to sit on the chair across from me, "Yoongi always drank it when Chunhei was first born."

"I thought chamomile tea helps with falling asleep?" I question, taking a sip of the warm drink. 

"Yes, it is, love," she smiles, "When Chunhei was first born, it was just her and Yoongi. That woman never took care of her child and left her all for Yoongi to take care of. The first few nights were rough, as it should be for any new born, but once Chunhei got used to her daddy, she'd sleep through the night as long as Yoongi was always near."

I nod and continue sipping the tea as she goes on with her story. 

"Yoongi and Chunhei have always had this amazing father-daughter dynamic. Chunhei had always been a calm baby but when it came time for Yoongi to return to work, he asked me and his father to come and watch Chunhei while he was at work. Whenever he'd leave for work, it was like Chunhei would sense that her dad was gone and she'd just cry and cry until we had no choice but to call Yoongi back home."

"How did Yoongi balance work and Chunnie?" I asked, my heart feeling heavier and heavier as I learn about the hardships Yoongi had to go through as a single parent. 

"He barely did," Eomma frowns, taking a sip of her tea, "He resorted to working from home for the first few months. It wasn't that hard since Chunhei was so calm. We'd put her in a crib in Yoongi's home studio and she'd just be there with her daddy."

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