XL: new years eve

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I whip my head around and see Yoongi carrying a few bags in one hand and a smiling Chunhei holding his other hand. 

I let out a sigh of relief as Chunnie lets go of Yoongi's hand and wraps herself around me. 

"Hi, mummy! I missed ya!" She smiles, snuggling into my side. 

Mingyu stands frozen, his gaze wandering from me, to the little girl in my arms and to the seething Yoongi. 

"I- I- didn't know you even had a husband," Mingyu finally speaks after staring for a few seconds. 

"Well, at least now you do, buddy," Yoongi says before I could reply. 

He adjusts the bags in his hands before moving next to me and grabbing my hand and intertwining our fingers. 

"So why don't you go and find another girl to talk to? This one is obviously happy with her husband and family," Yoongi finishes before pulling us away and walking to another part of the store. 

"Husband?" I finally manage to get out after replaying the scene in my head. 

"Hey, it isn't really a lie and I wanted him to leave," Yoongi reasons, planting a kiss on my lips, "He was getting too close and I don't like it when boys get too close to my girl." 

I blush furiously before swatting Yoongi's chest, "Thank you for getting me out of that, baby. I didn't know how I would've gotten out of it."

"Who was that anyway?" Yoongi questions, grabbing the clothes in my hands. 

"A boy from college. He had a crush on me but I didn't really want to date in college. I let him down easy a few times but he never stopped until we graduated. He left Korea right after we graduated so I haven't seen him since." 

"Well, he's never coming near you again. You're mine, YN." Yoongi finishes, making me look down in embarrassment. 

"Of course, Yoongs," I confirm, "Now stop embarrassing me and let me shop for our daughter."

"Chunhei has so many clothes, jagiya! Why are we buying her more?" Yoongi groans, sitting down on a chair and dropping the bags on the floor next to him. 

"Some of them are getting small, Min Yoongi!" I bite back, "And a girl can never have too many clothes!" 

"That's right, mummy!" Chunhei cheers from next to me, causing a groan to sound out from Yoongi and a laugh from me. 

"You are correct, Ms. Chunhei! How was your trip to the toy store?" I ask, looking over at a rack of sweaters and jackets. 

Chunhei goes on to tell me all about how papa let her pick out whatever she wanted. Yoongi begrudgingly adds that she filled the cart in under 10 minutes. 

"He made me put some stuff back!" She exclaims, her lips in a full pout.

"Well, you do remember that we have to bring it all back home to Seoul, princess," I reason, "And school is starting up again soon so we need to focus on our school work!" 

She continues to pout as she realizes that the holidays don't last forever and that she'll have to go back to school after we come back from visiting her grandparents. 

I squat down to her level and tilt her head up to look at me, "Now now, no need to pout, pretty girl. We're still visiting halmeoni and haraboji! Plus, since school is starting up again, how about I take you to the stationery store to get some cool new supplies?"

Her face immediately perks up, "Can I get some new pens and markers, mummy?"

"Of course, precious," I agree, "You can even get some sticker books and paints so you can paint with daddy!" 

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