quick update (feb.7,2021)

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hello :)

first, I'd like to apologize for being MIA recently. I know I've said that I'd make more time to update, but uni has been crazy and I've found myself absolutely swamped in assignments. I'm not going to be making any promises about any new chapters soon because I decided to work at my own pace on this story instead of forcing myself to write and publish mediocre chapters for you guys. 

secondly, I'd like to also apologize for the lack of representation in this story. when I first started writing Mummy, I had a clear picture of what I wanted "YN" to look and act like. because of this, I've failed to represent and include people of color in the story. I'd like to say that I am very sorry and that I do see the comments about this. I will be doing major editing on Mummy to ensure that I make the story more applicable and enjoyable for people of color. if there are any ways that I can make that easier, please don't hesitate to comment or send me a message. any and all advice is welcomed and appreciated! once again, I'm very sorry for the lack of representation Mummy has had thus far and I will now work harder to write a story that can apply to a more diverse audience. 

see you soon! stay safe and wear your masks! 

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