where have I been? (june 6 2021)

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*feel free to skip :) I just feel like I owe a lot of you guys an explanation*

hello :)

I'd like to start off this author's note by saying thank you. since my last update in February, things haven't been great, especially mentally. life has been chaotic and after a while, I just couldn't take what life was throwing at me and simply threw in the towel and let life drag me through whatever it wanted to drag me through. for the past few months, I've felt like absolute shit and at one point, I was ready to give up. but, one thing that kept me going these past few months has been you guys. all your warm comments and messages have been so helpful in keeping me going and I wish I could thank every single one of you personally. 

when I first started Mummy, it was simply a way for me to pass time as quarantine went by, but now, it has become more than that. I've had comments and messages telling me how much they love Mummy and it brought light to my life every single day. there were a few days where I had no motivation to go through my day, but you guys never left me. I really appreciate all the love and support you all have been giving me and I can't thank you enough. I don't deserve all of the love you guys give me and if I could, I'd give you all the same love, maybe even a shit ton more. you guys are the light of my life and I cant thank you all enough. to everyone who has read mummy so far, thank you so much and if I could, I'd give you all the world and everything good in it. 

secondly, i'm so excited to be writing again! although Mummy has received so much love, there have been a handful of negative comments and feedback that I get about my writing. I have to admit, these comments have been a factor as to why I stopped updating and writing all together. like I've mentioned before, when I first came up with Mummy, I had an idea of what characters and storyline was going to be like. in all honesty, I was simply fulfilling a storyline that I was interested in and further indulged in the fantasy by modeling the main character around myself. I've had many comments talking about some details in the story, and since then, it has been bothering me, at times to the point where I considered cutting off the story completely. after some thinking and consideration, I have removed the initial photo used as the main character, but that will be the only major change I will be making thus far. I will be changing a few small things to diversify the story, but other than that, I like how the main character is portrayed right now. I hope you understand that and if you don't, I appreciate any respectful advice :) 

LASTLY, there's no set update schedule for Mummy. schedules have ruled my life these past few months and putting a schedule to my writing completely takes away the fun and joy it brings me. I hope you guys are okay with that! I promise this won't be the last time you'll hear from me and that you'll see more updates in the coming weeks!!

I cant thank you all enough. you all mean the world to me and I cant wait to write more for you all <3 

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