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"Amicitiae nostrae memoriam spero sempiternam fore." -Cicero

I hope that the memory of our friendship will be everlasting.

When Brett and Eddy met Jordon, they were drawn to the boy. He was smart, had a good taste for sarcasm and amazing at playing both the piano and the violin. Also, he's good at compositions.

It was Eddy's first year alongside of Brett, who was in his second year. They both met Jordon just this year when they were put in all put in a class together. They both immediately bonded with the boy due to the likes of anime, manga, movies and classical music in general.

Of course, even with Jordon and a few other friends alongside of them, Brett and Eddy were still that unshakable duo. Doing everything together and always having each other's backs, that was them. That had always been them.

- - - - -

"Brett, I have to tell you something..." Eddy started, not too serious but he wants to be taken seriously.

"You can tell me anything, you that, right?" Brett started, not wanting the younger boy to feel nervous.

"Yeah... I know. I'm just nervous because you might not like her." Eddy replied.

"Her?" Brett asked with caution.

Is the day that I'm afraid of thinking about going to happen?

"Yeah. You know Toni Wei, right?"

"Yes. The very kind flautist we met like last year..." Brett recalled.

"We've been talking and dating over the past year and I've asked her to be my girlfriend... So, that's the news... I have a girlfriend!" Eddy said excitedly.

"That's great! My god, why did you tell me just now? I could've been your wingman or something." Brett replied, trying to hide the pain away.

"She's actually so amazing. She's really, really nice and I just love her, man..." Eddy started, with a dreamy look in his face.

You know how they say men change completely when they're in love? Maybe I'm a clear witness to that. Not just myself but also the man that I love.

"It's obvious you love her. It's cute. Like seeing Alexander fall in love before." Brett said, covering up his truth.

It's better this way, right?



"Yeah. Thanks, man. I'm glad that you like her already."

"Well, I have no reason to hate her, so why would I?"


Right. This is not working out the way it should. Fuck.

- - - - -

Eddy pecked Brett's lips lightly and pulled away immediately. Brett whined at the quick lost of contact and pulled Eddy back in for a longer and passionate kiss. They did not nor could not care at the moment, it was special to them. This was the first time they woke up in the same bed, under the same blankets, on top of a soft mattress and in each other's arms.

"That was one hell of a way to wake up, was it not?" Brett asked, lips still red from their previous kiss.

"Y-yes, it w-was..." Eddy said, still weak and euphoric about their kiss.

"Need not to be shy, Edward Chen... I love you with all of me." Brett professed.

"I love you, too..." Eddy said, holding on to Brett a bit tighter.

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