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"Ama me fideliter, fidem meam toto, decorde totaliter, et ex mente tota, sum presentialiter, absens in remota." -Unknown

Love me faithfully, see how I am faithful, with all my heart and all my soul, I am with you, even though I am far away.

"Just in, majority of people in Australia voted yes to same-sex marriage. Making today, December 9, 2017, a history in our country. From here, there on, marriages of two men, two women and everyone in between is legalized and valid in the government's eyes now..."

The television droned on and on and on and on but Brett didn't hear the rest of it. The tears of happiness immediately started falling from his eyes. It feels as though a large burden from him chest and shoulders have been lifted.

His love is now valid and made stronger with a marriage.

Yes, Eddy was still not in love with him but he could live with that fact. He has mostly moved on, seeing how happy Eddy was that they stayed as best friends. For now, all Brett could do was cry.

He immediately went up to his room and looked for a journal. He found the old notebook and immediately hugged it to his chest. He kissed it and still cried his eyes out.

They have done it, Kotek. You could marry Edward now.

His brain thought as he skimmed through the pages of the journal in front of him. He was still crying out of happiness and relief at the same time. Maybe it was a portion of his past life that is rejoicing with him but he does not mind.

"Brett, we need to talk..." Papa Yang said with a serious voice.

"I'm not in trouble or anything, am I?" Brett asked jokingly, lowering the volume of the television.

"No... I just heard that you saw the news already. It's a good thing you could finally marry whoever you want to." Papa Yang said, sitting down next to him on the couch.

"Pa, if this is about marriage again then I really have no one in mind." Brett replied, not looking at his father. "Pa, I was only ever attracted to one man. That doesn't mean I'm just gonna marry a man." He added, still avoiding the questioning eyes of his father.

"You say that as if Eddy isn't in your mind when I say marriage..." Papa Yang said, looking at his son.

Brett didn't say anything more and just listened to the news.

"Son, it's okay to still love him... I know it might not feel like that's not the case, but it's completely normal. Don't beat yourself up too much because you can't forget the feeling overnight. Or if you find yourself still wanting to hold him close to you or protect him." Papa Yang assured and Brett just listened.

"You love him and I understand. I get that some people will call you dumb and ask you to move on as if it was easy... But it's not easy, son. Just know that whatever you might decide on, it'll be okay." Papa Yang added, patting his son's shoulder.

"Pa, thanks. I was afraid of telling anyone because that's what they all tell me. Thank you for reassuring me... It really means a lot." Brett said, standing up and carrying his violin case.

He was about to go to Eddy's apartment to film. His dad just nodded and he left. It was hard living like this, but just because his best friend didn't love him back it doesn't mean that his world will stop. The world, of course, doesn't revolve around him.

He pulled up in Eddy's front yard and knocked on Eddy's door with his violin case in hand. Eddy opened the door, looking too tired. His hair was everywhere, his eyes were bloodshot and he didn't even smile or greet Brett.

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