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"Nihil sub sole novum." -Latin phrase

Nothing is new under the sun.

"Brett, I wanna sleep in your room. Would that be okay?" Alexander asked.

"Sure. Just change to more comfortable clothes." Brett said, smiling at his brother.

He entered his room and changed to his normal pajamas. Alexander came in, looking more comfortable than him and flopping face down on Brett's bed. When Brett sat down on the foot of the bed, Alexander sat up.

"Hey, mom told me what happened... I'm sorry, if I would've know we should've scheduled next week." Alexander said apologetically, looking at the back of his brother's head.

"No, it's fine. It's not about me anyway... You cheeky bastard, you didn't tell me you had planned on proposing this early." Brett said, changing the topic while settling on the bed under the sheets.

"That was kinda the point. To be a surprise for everyone but me." Alex said, chuckling a little. "But enough about me, the entire night was already about me and Belle. We should talk about your boy problem." Alex added, laughing a little at how ridiculous he sounded.

"You're slowly starting to sound like Belle." Brett joked, smiling at his brother.

"Of course I do. I'm proud of it, too." Alex said, smiling at the mention of his beloved.

There was a moment of silence as Alex was settling in next to Brett.

"Seriously though, you okay?" Alex asked once again, holding his brother close to him.

"I am. I mean, when has this not happened to me? At this point I'm desensitized to it." Brett said, leaning closer to his brother's taller body.

"You say that but you never try to look for someone else." Alex warned, but holding Brett tighter nonetheless.

The tears were about to come and they both knew it.

"Am I stupid, Alex? For loving him that much?" Brett asked at the quiet room.

"No, I believe you aren't stupid. Loving your soulmate is easy and it's natural." Alex coaxed, running his hands through Brett's back, comforting his brother like how their mother would.

"I mean, I don't necessarily think I'm unlovable but after that... I still can't believe that I'm not enough." Brett started, smiling bitterly to himself.

"It's not always you, you know."

"But he believes he hasn't found his soulmate, yet. He still believes that it's impossible for me to be his soulmate."

"Brett, to be honest, that's nothing to worry about. Is it your past life begging you?" Alexander asked, asking his brother to face him.

"I had little time with him in my first life. Now that I have met him earlier, I never want to let go. I try to be this supportive best friend that is always there for him. All I get in return is the pain of seeing him walk out without me and walk in with someone new as if it was nothing." Brett replied, closing his eyes.

Then Brett's phone vibrated. Brett grabbed it from his nightstand and looked at the message. He glared at the sudden brightness and sighed from the message. Alexander snatched his phone and typed in a reply for Brett. Brett would have put up a fight but he was too tired.

"Why did you even do that?" Brett asked his younger brother, looking at him at disbelief.

"You needed to get away from him for a while. You need a break from this bullshit." Alex said, turning off Brett's phone and placing it back on the nightstand.

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