XLIII. (semi-nsfw)

318 17 22

"Ubi bene, ibi patria." Latin phrase

Homeland is where your life is good.

"We should go to Taiwan again." Brett started, smiling at his husband.

"Honey, it's just the weather that's making you say that." Eddy replied, kissing his husband's forehead.

"Yeah, maybe. But I still wanna go to Taiwan."

"You know, that'd be a good idea, actually."

"Hubby, that's just the weather making you say that." Brett echoed.

"Fuck off. It's hot here, okay? I miss subtropical weathers too, alright?"

"Me too. I miss constant rain."

"You see? This is why I really love you." Eddy said, prolonging the you in order to emphasize it.

"Whatever you say, Edward Chen."

"Ew, Edward Chen? Who are you and what have you done to my husband?"

"I skinned him alive and lived under his skin." Brett joked, kissing Eddy.

"Well, that turned murderous." Eddy laughed, hugging Brett.

There was a moment of comfortable silence until Eddy spoke up.

"So, Taiwan?"


- - - - -

"This definitely is not going according to plan." Brett said, seeing as the weather outside was very shitty.

"Better than Australia, though." Eddy responded.

"That, I cannot argue with." Brett replied as he looked at the pouring rain.

Brett looked back at Eddy only to find him staring at Brett intently.

"Stop looking at me like that and appreciate the weather, dumbass." Brett started, still looking out the window.

"Why should I stop staring at something obviously worth staring at?" Eddy retorted, holding Brett close to him.

"I've just never really had that sensation before." Brett said.

"What sensation?" Asked Eddy, with pure curiosity.

"Feeling like I'm melting when I meet someone eye to eye like that..."

"Fuck off, you romantic motherfucker." Eddy said lightheartedly.

"But it's true! I've never even considered looking for it on other people because it's always been that easy when it comes to you."

They were quiet for a while. Both were just watching the downpour while Eddy rested his chin on Brett's shoulder. He slowly turned his head in order to kiss Brett on the cheek. Brett held the hand near his stomach and sighed.

"Hubby, I love you..." Eddy whispered, resting his head in between Brett's nape and shoulder.

Brett turned around and faced Eddy.

"You're growing too sentimental." Brett joked.

"Why are we changing scripts again?" Eddy joked, too.

"I can never know, honestly."

"I love you..." Brett said longingly.

"That's gay..."

"Eddy, we've been married for five years now."

They both looked at each other and died laughing. Eddy almost ended up on the floor the moment their laughs died down. Brett held him up and kissed him lightly.

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