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"Sine Cerere et Baccho friget Venus." -Terentius

Without bread and wine, love freezes

"God, I'm so jealous of the other people living in this world." Eddy just started out of the blue.

"Why?" Brett asked, visibly confused.

"They'll never get to feel you the same way I do for the past sixteen years." Eddy answered.

Brett felt as though he could not breathe. He smiled at Eddy.

"You're one to talk. Just hearing you makes me wanna fly and conquer it all. You make me wanna leave and stay here at the same time." Brett replied, hugging his cute husband.

"Brett, are we bad people because we don't wanna be parents?" Eddy asked out of the blue as he looked at his husband of sixteen years.

"Eddy, do you want children?" Brett asked back, knowing how he could communicate his answer.

"No, not really..." Eddy answered.

"Then it doesn't make us bad people... Are you worried about growing alone?" Brett asked again.

"I'm not growing alone, I have you..." Eddy answered again.

"Eddy, if you really want children or to make such a difference, we could adopt teens." Brett suggested gently.

"You've thought about this, huh?" Eddy asked, smiling at his husband.

"Well, it came up when we were in our twenties and excited to be married. I always wanted to adopt teenagers or tweens because I feel like we really wouldn't have energy for a baby or a toddler. Also, our work is so hectic and unhealthy for a child to grow up in." Brett started as he voiced out all his thoughts about having children.

"That's true. I feel like if we adopt a baby or a toddler they'd despise us if they grew up." Eddy joked.

"I know that's a joke but it's kinda true. With a teen or tween, we could nurture their talents or whatever they want to be when the time comes they have a career. I want teenagers to have a safe space with us. Especially since they are the ones who feel lost at that age." Brett said.

"That's true. I didn't know shit at that age, honestly. If it wasn't for you, I'd probably be a sad, sad doctor." Eddy commented.

"Definitely... So, you ready for this change?"

"Of course..."

- - - - -

"Honey, there's a teen that they want us to adopt..." Eddy said hesitantly.

"Why is there quite a bit of hesitance in your voice, hubby?" Brett asked.

"This boy has siblings. Both older and younger than him." Eddy said.

"I don't see where the problem is?" Brett replied.

"Good. Because I already fell in love with him." Eddy added.

"Hubby, we've waited two years for this. I don't care what age they are, I just want them to have a home." Brett coaxed.

"Me too..."

"How old are his siblings and what are their sexes or preferred genders so we can get them things?" Brett asked as he hugged Eddy from behind.

"His name is Peter, he's 14. His younger sibling is Edward and he's 11. They both have an older sister named Jean who is 16." Eddy informed. "Regarding their sexes that's it but I don't know their sexualities and or preferred gender." Eddy added.

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