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"Nil ego contulerim iucundo sanus amico." -Horace

While I am sane I shall compare nothing to the joy of a friend.

"Well, that's good! You know, you're so lucky you found your soulmate that early. Some people die without a soulmate." Brett stated, looking at the distance while they were walking.

"Yeah... I heard some also don't find the right soulmate so they go pair with another. Their soulmate relationship becomes destroyed and none of them can feel complete happiness in terms of relationships and life long partners." Eddy added.

"Well, that's sad... But I still kinda think that it's the soulmate-less person's fault. They would most likely know who it was but never made a move." Brett said concretely.

"I would like to think it was the other person's fault. I mean, they must've felt something different but pursued the relationship that wasn't for them." Eddy stated. "What if the proper person was always there for them and they just never found out who? It's super unfair... I mean, soulmates are like sixth senses, right? You would know exactly if the person is your soulmate or not by just feeling..." Eddy argued again.

"I mean, soulmates don't always end up together, right? They could just be friends and what not... Just because their soul has a connection, doesn't mean that they always have to end up together." Brett said, trying to convince himself.

"But wouldn't their souls just hate them for that? I mean, they could have a consummated love or marriage but they just deny each other of that? Man, the souls would beg just to be with each other..." 

"I guess so..."

- - - - -

"This is it, huh? The great Brett Yang off to Sydney..." Eddy said with amusement.

"I guess so..." Brett had said, clutching his suitcase and his violin.

"Don't forget me." Eddy started, looking at his best friend with such sad eyes.

"How could I? You're like the first best friend I've ever had. You're not hard to forget too, you know..." Brett said, meaning every word. "Take care of Toni and yourself, okay? Hangout with Jordon and Dan more frequently. Even our other friends..." Brett advised to him.

"Of course... I'll miss you..."

"I'll miss you too..."

There was a moment of silence that stood as comfort for them. They smiled at each other, no need for sappy goodbyes. Even if Brett was going, he didn't want to. But he promised himself this, the moment he will leave Sydney, he will tell Eddy and leave all these feelings behind in Brisbane.

"Hey Eddy?"


"I love you..."

"I love you too, bro... Come back when you have the time. If you don't, I'll visit you."

There he is again, misinterpreting the words that mean a lot to me. I love him so. This was not the rejection I was waiting for but it's good enough. It's more painful because the words are there, but not the way I expected it to be.

Brett, you've done this before. Smile and pretend you're okay, you have all the time in Sydney once you're there alone.

"Of course. I wouldn't forget."

Eddy engulfed Brett in a hug and it shocked Brett. He melted to the touch, it felt like the first and last from the year. He was grateful for it. Eddy pulled away and smiled at Brett. Jordon was soon approaching him when Eddy backed away a little.

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