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"Amor aeternus." -Unknown

Love forever.

"I will never get tired of this." Brett muttered as Eddy was in the middle of playing Clair De Lune.

Yes, it's kinda rude but what can he do? He needs to speak his truth, especially about his husband.

"Of what?" Eddy asked as he gently closed the piano lid.

"Watching you be passionate about everything. It brings me back to life." Brett whispered as he sat down next to him on the bench."You look so celestial when you play music. As though you play for the universe when I know you play for yourself. You bask and linger on the notes as though it is the most sonorous sound you'll ever hear. It makes you look brighter in this light." Brett added.

There was a comfortable and warm silence that wrapped up their atmosphere.

"God I hope to keep this until I die." Brett started.

Eddy looked back at him with a confused look.

"Who said you wouldn't?" Eddy replied with a genuine smile.

Brett just hugged his husband and squeezed tightly. They came out of the practice room to meet Belle and Alexander on their patio. Eddy went in to fetch pastries for them to have with the tea that Brett was preparing before their little moment. Belle asked Brett a very integral yet important question.

"Did you ever regret anything?"

"I don't regret anything." Brett started.

"You seem certain of that." Belle replied.

"I love everything we've been through. I'm glad that we are still very happy." Brett smiled.

"I'm happy that you guys are happy." Alex said as he patted Brett's head.

"Ah, you fucking sap. You have more time with me now." Eddy exclaimed as he hit Brett on the back of his head.

"You say that as if you don't enjoy my company." Brett retorted.

"I used to enjoy your company when all we did was have sex." Eddy said as he poked his tongue out.

"Of course we couldn't have sex. I'm already seventy three. I haven't gotten hard in years." Brett replied sarcastically.

"Now, boys, we don't need to know that." Belle replied with disgust.

"Fuck off." Brett and Eddy said simultaneously.

"Your children gonna visit soon, yeah?" Alex asked.

"Yeah. They're on the way right now." Eddy replied.

"Did you ever piece out your past lives?" Belle asked them as she sipped her tea.

Alex held her hand and kissed her cheek. They were out in the patio of Brett and Eddy's home. It was quite the cold July but they didn't mind.

"Yeah, we did. Brett was a prodigy in the violin. He finished his studies early in order to become a soloist fast. He took a teaching opportunity on the con he was teaching at. That's how he met Edward Chen from his past life." Eddy explained.

"Edward Chen, on the other hand, always saw Brett Yang for concerts. He played Beethoven's Spring Sonata and Edward was determined to have Brett as his mentor. He entered the con and bravely asked Brett. Then after some time they develop feelings for each other and have a steamy, steamy romantic relationship." Brett continued.

"Then, when Edward graduated, he announced that he was to marry a woman. Brett did not pick a fight but it was hard for him to move on. Frustrated, he tried to drown in his work as a professor but it failed. Everywhere he looked, all he remembered was Edward Chen." Eddy said.

Belle and Alexander were listening to them very well. They smiled at the husbands' synchronicity.

"Then, Brett got a letter that would send him a career as a soloist in Europe. This is where he met Tchaikovsky. Tchaikovsky fell in love with him but Brett rejected him gently. Brett was still in love with Edward and it would be unfair to Tchaikovsky because Tchaikovsky deserved better." Brett added.

"Holy shit, Tchaikovsky was in love with the past you?" Alex exclaimed.

"Every time we say that, they cannot believe me." Brett snickered.

"Yes, Tchaikovsky was in love with him, blah blah. But my past life was the first one to ever play the Sibelius violin concerto." Eddy sassed. "Anyway, fast forward to maybe ten years, Edward said that his wife and him was getting a divorce. Brett insisted that Edward's family stay with him. They did and had sex that night. They reconciled and lived their lives together." Eddy added.

"They became friends with Tchaikovsky in the end. They were even there until his tragic end. But, they were okay. Brett died because of tuberculosis. Eddy just died of old age." Brett ended.

"Oh god, have you ever met the Tchaikovsky reincarnate?" Peter just exclaimed.

"Aghhh!" Eddy exclaimed, shocked that his son was suddenly there.

"We've been your children for years yet you never told us?" Jean exclaimed too.

"I thought you all knew." Brett said, in his defense he thought it was obvious who the Tchaikovsky reincarnate was.

"You guys now know how I felt when he told me that fact, too." Eddy explained.

"So, ba, we're waiting. Who's the Tchaikovsky reincarnate?" Edward demanded.

"It's Jordon. But you guys wouldn't know him, he's already dead." Brett joked.

"Oi, we're late but I'm not dead." Jordon exclaimed from the gate.

All of them laughed. Everything fit to place. Brett and Eddy were in the right place. Fortunately, their future lives will be in the right time and place. They will never ever part now.

Their story was not perfect but it was theirs. They will not trade it for anything. As we all know, "Love conquers all things; let us yield to love."

- - - - -

July 27, 2065

It's been a while, yeah? I'm glad I wrote all those feelings that I deemed stupid years ago. It wouldn't have brought me him and our family now. I do not regret anything. I am happy where I am. I am happy that I never got to move on from him.

It made me appreciate waiting for him more. It made every single affection from him sweeter and more genuine. If you asked me years ago if I'll ever end up here, I would have told you no.

I would have told you that I pictured myself at the same age I am now, lonely.

But here I am... The love of my life is my husband, I have three adopted (but loved them as my own) kids, 10 teen grandchildren (that my children also adopted) and a very maintained and healthy relationship with my friends and family. I cannot tell you how I did it, but I did.

I am writing this as I watch them all from afar. I am happy and contented. I do not know why I am here, but I am happy. I could not ask for anything more because I am loved and I have loved. I intend to keep it that way.

Words cannot express all of what I feel about what is given to me. I guess my music has to make up for it. In the end of the day, it all boils down to one thing. I am grateful for ever feeling this type of love. I am thankful I loved even when it was tremendously difficult and felt impossible. I am thankful I was loved at these times, too.

All I could leave you now with is this. The quote to sum love and live up.

"Omnia vincit amor; et nos cedamus amori."

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