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"Lente hora, celeriter anni." -Medieval Sundial motto

An hour passes slowly, but the years go by quickly.

"Congrats on graduating, Brett! You deserve it!" Eddy said, petting my head.

After all these years, he was still taller than Brett. Not that Brett minded, it had always been like that for them. Oh, and it's been years but Brett ISs still in love. Hopelessly in love, but in love nonetheless. They're still together, too. Even if Brett was happy for Eddy, he still felt like he couldn't date anyone else.

Who wanted an emotional baggage when they were supposed to date someone new? Brett certainly didn't. So, he just let it be for a while. If they were supposed to be together, the world would fix that by now.

Jordon and Dan approached Brett and congratulated him too. He was glad to have this two as his other companions throughout the uni journey. He would've gone insane without the two. He was happy.

After that, Brett's family went to dinner as a celebration. Of course, they picked a family-style, Chinese restaurant for the celebration.

"Lah, why do you not have a girlfriend? You certainly have time for that now, don't you?" Mama Yang asked, testing the waters.

"Ma, a girlfriend isn't gonna suddenly appear." Brett replied, Alexander tried to not laugh.

"Don't sass me, lah. What about boyfriend?" Mama Yang cautiously asked.

Brett and Alexander choked on whatever they were consuming in the moment. Brett was full on coughing but mama Yang's stare isn't faltering. She handed him a glass of water and Brett drank it, immediately thanking his mom.

"Ma, I don't like boys..." Brett said, wiping his mouth with the serviettes near his side of the table.

"Are you sure about that?" Papa Yang asked, looking at Brett.

"Yeah, where did you get the idea I liked boys, anyway?" Brett tried to ask, covering up his nervousness.

There was a moment of silence, an awkward one. Alexander was avoiding the awkwardness by looking at his plate of food. Brett was doing the same thing and everything was quiet until mama Yang chuckled.

"Ah, you both got the habit from your father..." Mama Yang said, lightening up the conversation.

"I did not." Alex said, defending himself immediately.

"You did! You three should've seen the way you looked like." She added, laughing completely now.

Papa Yang was quiet, just looking at his wife with a soft expression. Brett observed his father and felt a pinch in his heart. This was exactly how Eddy looked at Toni, even after all these years. Brett looked away, even if the gesture was sweet it reminded him of a place where he may never be.

Brett suddenly looked back at the past few years of his life. Whatever he had called this feeling for Eddy for the past few years, was it even real? He knew it was, but was it valid? Is it as acceptable as him loving someone who was of the opposite sex? Is he ever going to-

"Brett and Alexander, it's time we have to talk about this. Because if not, when are we going to?" Papa Yang said, looking at his boys. "It is okay to love anyone you love, whether be it a boy or a girl, you can't stop yourself from falling in love..." Papa Yang added, smiling at his boys.

"And we're having this conversation because you feel that I'm gay?" Brett asked again, utterly confused.

"No, Brett. We're having this conversation in order to reassure both of you, that whoever you may bring home for dinner in the future, we will accept you as a couple. Of course, approval is different but whether be it a boy or a girl, I'll have to see how they fit you well." Mama Yang said, laughing.

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