Part One - Chapter Four: Back to University

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"Are you ever going to tell us who the mystery woman is?" Marcelo asked following his best friend as they walked down the street, they had just finished training for the day and the group were starving for lunch.

Cristiano rolled his eyes, it had been two months since he had last seen Eliana and he was disappointed that he had yet to run into her again especially after she had promised him her number if they did.

"Leave him alone... I think it's nice," Kaka replied smiling, he had known Cristiano only a little while but he knew that there had to be a reason that his friend was so taken with the woman that he hadn't been able to stop talking about.

Cristiano ran his fingers through his hair, he ignored his friends teasing and he wished that he had a bit more luck; he had no idea how to find Eliana since he wished to see her again.

"Let's just get some lunch," Pepe said wanting to relax, the season was going well so far and they needed to stay focused; they could tease Cristiano later about the woman that he seemed to be chasing.

It was completely unlike Cristiano to make such a fuss about anyone, women usually came to them and yet this one model and Cristiano wrapped around her little finger.

"I just want to know who she is so I can look her up," Marcelo moaned as they headed into a restaurant for lunch, he pouted a little at Cristiano wishing that he knew who the woman was; he only knew that she was a model and Portuguese.

Cristiano shook his head, he had no intentions of telling his friends who Eliana was; he didn't want to ruin things before he actually had a chance to take her out.

Cristiano had done a little research himself in hopes of finding somewhere to bump into her again, he hadn't really found anything that would help him.


Eliana brushed some hair from her face as she walked out of her university, she had just sat through her induction for her final year and she couldn't believe that she would be graduating next summer.

Eliana chewed on her lip wondering if she should stop and get some lunch, she was starving and hadn't eaten since breakfast when she had gotten up at six o'clock that morning which had been hours ago.

Pausing as she came to the road, Eliana looked both ways before she started to cross the street; her arms were full of papers that had been handed out that wouldn't fit into her pink mini tote stud handbag that she had brought with her.

Making it half way across the road, Eliana cursed softly as she tripped and dropped everything to the floor; she grumbled to herself moving to pick the papers off the floor, wondering why she always seemed to trip at the worst possible time.

Eliana crouched down in her gypsy dress and western ankle boots trying to pick everything up while people walked passed her not even stopping to help her; she wondered if gravity had it out for her or something.

Not looking behind her as she tried to make sure that she got every piece of paper, Eliana failed to notice a car turning into the street where she was standing; she continued her work trying to make sure that she didn't miss any of the papers that she had dropped.

"Watch out!" called a voice making Eliana stand up straight in the middle of the road, she looked around confused for a moment before she heard a sharp car horn coming her way.

Eliana barely had time to react as she quickly found herself being pushed out of the way by a man, she stumbled back out of the road and fell onto the sidewalk with the man on top of her.

Eliana opened her mouth to say something before she got a good look at the man that had just saved her life; she stared for a moment wondering if it was fate or something.

"Cristiano..." Eliana whispered staring up at the footballer who had just stopped her from being run over, she hadn't been expecting to see him but she was grateful for what he had done.

Cristiano grinned sitting up a little, he hadn't been able to believe it when he had spotted Eliana; he hadn't been able to stop himself from rushing out and pulling her to safety.

"We should really stop meeting like this," Cristiano teased hearing his friends shout his name, he had rushed away from them without a second thought and he was glad that she was okay.

Cristiano helped Eliana to her feet, he couldn't imagine what would have happened if he hadn't of pulled her out of the way; he knew that it would have been bad and she would have been badly injured.

"Obrigada," Eliana breathed peeking at the road, she couldn't believe that she had nearly gotten herself run over for a couple of pieces of paper; she groaned realising that she would have to go and find another set of copies since hers were ruined now.

Cristiano chuckled and shook his head, he rested a hand on Eliana's arm in case she collapsed or something; he didn't want her fainting after his daring rescue.

"I believe you owe me your number," Cristiano mused smiling, he wasn't going to forget their little agreement and he was sure that it was going to be the start of something wonderful.


"What the hell were you thinking?" Marcelo demanded when Cristiano returned from across the street, he stared at his friend wondering if he had completely lost his mind; he could have been seriously injured during that stunt.

Cristiano rolled his eyes pocketing a small piece of paper that carried Eliana's mobile number, he was thrilled to have a chance to take her out on a date; he couldn't wait to see her again especially now that he had a way of contacting her.

"What would Mourinho say if he knew you'd just played superman?" Marcelo continued to rant, he could only imagine how angry the manager would have been if Cristiano had injured himself; it would have ruined everything that they had worked for if Cristiano had been hurt.

Cristiano ignored his friend's ranting, he was too happy to care what Marcelo had to say and he could only think of when he would speak with Eliana again; he was so happy right now and was planning their first date in his head.

"He's not even listening to me," Marcelo said incredulously staring at Cristiano realising that there was something going on; he was worried that his friend had hit his head especially with all the smiling that he was doing right now.

Kaka chuckled watching Cristiano, he had seen the small exchange with the woman that he had saved and he could only imagine that it was the woman that Cristiano had been trying to find.

"Leave him alone... he met a woman," Pepe announced grinning, he had noticed that Cristiano had talked to the woman that he had saved and it was clear that he knew her.

Marcelo blinked for a moment before he turned to stare at Cristiano, he opened his mouth to ask something curious about what was going on.

Kaka stopped him and shook his head, he was sure that Cristiano would tell them what was going on when he was ready but it was best not to push him if they wanted any idea of what was happening with him and the blonde.


Author's Note: 

A massive thank you to Invisibly_visible and CaptainEspana, you girls are amazing and you should all go and check out their stories xxx

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