Part One - Chapter Thirteen: Happy 26th Birthday

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“What are your plans for tonight?” Sergio asked smiling at Cristiano, today was his birthday and it had been a surprised that he hadn’t wanted a party instead wanting a quiet night in.

The team had planned to do have a bit of a celebration but Cristiano had asked them not to, he had plans and he wasn’t going to change them; he was happy and nothing was going to change that.

“Spending the night with Eliana,” Cristiano replied trying to remember the last time that he had actually seen his girlfriend, she had been so busy since they had returned to Madrid and phone calls weren’t cutting it.

Karim snorted and looked at Cristiano, he didn’t know why he was so surprised to hear that Cristiano was going to spend his birthday with Eliana; they had been together for nearly five months now.

“That’s it,” Karim muttered shaking his head, he was a little disappointed that Cristiano didn’t plan to throw a party like last year; he couldn’t believe how attached his friend had gotten to the model.

Eliana had become very important to Cristiano in the months since they had started dating, she seemed pretty private and that was what set Karim on edge; no model was like Eliana and Karim felt the need to keep an eye on her.

“I haven’t seen her much… she’s been busy with her dissertation,” Cristiano murmured shaking his head, it was Eliana’s final of year of studying and she was determined to do well.

Cristiano respected Eliana and he was doing his best to be supportive about her studies, in a few months she would graduate and he hoped to see that; he knew that she was going to do amazingly and she was working so hard for what she wanted.

“I hope you have a good night planned,” Sergio mused smiling at Cristiano, he had never seen Cristiano like this and he was so happy for his friend even if he had no idea what went on between the couple.


“Feliz Aniversário,” Eliana greeted wrapping her arms around Cristiano and kissing him, she had missed him and the last few weeks had been a nightmare; her dissertation was due in a month and she didn’t think she’d be ready.

Cristiano grinned holding Eliana close for a moment, it had been hard to be away from her but he knew that she had to be ready for not only her exams in April and her dissertation was due in March and she still had so much to do.

“I missed you,” Cristiano murmured looking down at his girlfriend of five months, it had been difficult and he knew that it would get better soon; he kissed Eliana as they backed into her apartment.

Her room-mate was gone for the night away and they were alone, something that Cristiano wondered if Eliana had planned it that way.

“I missed you too,” Eliana whispered back smiling up at him, she had been so busy recently and she hated that she hadn’t been able to spend more time with him; Cristiano was important to her but she had to get ready for finals.

Cristiano brushed his fingers through her hair and smiled, he was looking forward to having her to himself for a couple of hours; he couldn’t remember the last time that he had been able to relax.

“How has your birthday been so far?” Eliana asked smiling at Cristiano, she lead her boyfriend towards the kitchen where she had been preparing dinner for them; she had special plans for tonight and she was sure about what she was going to do.

Cristiano nodded his head, he peeked around surprised about how little Eliana’s home had changed since he had last been there; he had no idea how long it would before it did change a lot.

“It’s been good,” Cristiano replied with a shrug of his shoulders, he watched Eliana as she went to check on dinner; he leant against the counter knowing that this was what he wanted.

Cristiano felt normal when he was with Eliana, not like the footballer that everyone knew him to be but the man that he was; he loved Eliana for that reason and he had no idea what he would ever do if something came between them.

“What’s for dinner?” Cristiano asked curiously, the apartment smelt lovely and he knew that Eliana liked to cook when she had the chance.

Her life revolved around traveling and studying right now and Cristiano was glad that he got to be a part of her life no matter how little he saw of her; he wanted Eliana to be happy and that was all that mattered to him.

“Cod fish casserole,” Eliana replied with a smile, she rarely got to make dishes from home since her room-mate was the main cook but when she got to cook it was amazing; she just wished that she had more time to do so.

“That sounds amazing,” Cristiano said smiling his stomach grumbling at the smell of food, he hadn’t really had lunch instead having a nap after training before coming to see his girlfriend.

Eliana nodded her head, she loved her cod fish casserole and she was sure that Cristiano would like it; she had no idea when she would next have free time to see him after this.


Cristiano deepened the kiss as he gently moved on top of Eliana, dinner had been brilliant and he had even been surprised at the fact that his girlfriend had baked him a cake.

Eliana’s fingers tangled into his hair, she had no idea how she had gotten so lucky to have someone like Cristiano in her life and she hoped that he was here to stay; she had never been this happy before.

“Why don’t we take this to my bedroom?” Eliana asked pulling away from Cristiano a little, she stared up at him with a cheeky smile knowing that they hadn’t gone that far yet.

Cristiano had been pretty patient with Eliana since they had started dating and she was finally ready to take the next step with him; she just hoped that he felt the same.

“Ana,” Cristiano breathed not sure if he had heard her right, he tried to steady his breathing realising what his girlfriend wanted and he didn’t want to rush this if she wasn’t ready.

Eliana was important to him and meant a lot more to him than anyone else that he had ever dated, Cristiano didn’t want to make her feel like she had to do anything that she didn’t want to.

“We don’t have to amor,” Cristiano reassured, he would nothing more than to spend the night with her but he would happily wait until she was ready.

Eliana smiled at how sweet Cristiano was being, she kissed him knowing what she wanted and that was to take the next step with him.

Cristiano pulled away from her reluctantly and moved away so that she could sit up, he took a shaky breath knowing that he wanted her to be sure about this before he did something she might regret.

“I want to,” Eliana reassured Cristiano getting to her feet, she offered Cristiano her hand and smiled at him; she watched him for a moment before he took her hand.

Eliana grinned gently pulling Cristiano towards her bedroom, she wouldn’t admit that she had been a little worried that he would turn her down and say no.

Cristiano pulled Eliana to him and kissed her, he kicked the bedroom door shut behind them knowing that he was falling in love with her and there was nothing that could change that.

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