Part One - Epilogue: Congratulations

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Dolores took a deep breath as she stepped into the restaurant were her son had invited her to have dinner with everyone, Cristiano had told her that he had some big news to share but Dolores wasn't in the mood for celebrations.

Hugo had been in rehab for three months now and there was still no sign of him speaking to anyone; he was shut away in the rehab centre that Cristiano had chosen in America and Dolores was starting to hate it. Shaking her head,

Dolores sighed wondering why Cristiano had invited her to this private meal; he had booked out the restaurant and invited some many people, she could already see Jennifer and she wasn't looking forward to speaking with the mother of the woman her son was dating.

"Mãe," Elma said nudging her mother in the arm, she knew that Dolores was upset that Hugo didn't wish to speak to her but Cristiano had been so happy the last few days and she didn't want their mother ruining it.

Dolores rolled her eyes and forced a smile to her face, she wasn't sure what to expect from the fact that there were quite a few people gathered; she cleared her throat before she made her way over to the bar to order herself a drink.

Elma sighed and looked at her husband, she knew that her mother was having a hard time but Hugo was in the best place for him; he would be fine in rehab and he still had three months of his course of retreatment left and things were going well.

"She'll be fine," Edgar Caires said wrapping an arm around his wife before they moved to find a seat, they could see Katia and her husband across the room and the couple looked like they'd had another argument.

Elma couldn't help but hoped that her family wouldn't cause any drama for Cristiano, he looked so happy talking with his friends and that was all down to one woman.


Cristiano kissed Eliana as they sat down for dinner, the two were excited to share the news about their engagement with their family and friends; they had waited a couple of days to allow them time to enjoy it but now they were ready.

"So what is the big news that we all had to come here for?" Katia asked annoyed messing with the food on her plate, she raised an eyebrow looking at her younger brother; she wasn't in the mood for this party and she knew that she had two children at home waiting for her.

Elma kicked her sister under the table, she glared at her while everyone seemed to stop and look at the couple; they were all curious about what was going on and they knew it had to be something big if they had invited them all to dinner.

"Eliana and I are officially engaged," Cristiano announced with a big smile on his face, he couldn't have been happier that Eliana had said yes when he had proposed to her.

Eliana smiled back and peeked at her mother, she hadn't invited her father to this meal since she knew he would want to bring his girlfriend and this meal wasn't about her parents it was about her engagement to Cristiano.

Jennifer squealed excitedly as she jumped to her feet and rushed to hug the happy couple, she had known that Cristiano planned to ask Eliana to marry him but she hadn't expected it to happen so soon; she held onto her daughter as everyone else moved to start congratulate the couple.

Dolores sat dumbfounded as she stared at her youngest son, she had thought he had been joking when he had hinted at the fact that he was going to ask Eliana to marry him.

"I'm so happy for you," Elma said hugging her brother, she peeked over at her mother and sister hoping the two would forget their own problems and focus on the wonderful news that they had just gotten from Cristiano.


Behati sighed as she stared up at the night sky, she was so happy for Eliana about how things had worked out for her; however she couldn't deny that she was a little jealous of what was happening to her friend.

Behati wanted what Eliana had, she wanted a man that looked at her like she was the most important thing in the world; who loved her like she was the best thing that had ever happened to him.

"Are you okay?" Cristiano asked popping his head out of the back door, he looked at Behati knowing that Eliana had been a little worried that their news would upset her friend.

Cristiano stepped outside and looked at Behati, Marosca followed him out and run across the garden; it was the only reason that Cristiano was out of bed and away from Eliana right now.

"I'm fine," Behati replied with a weak smile, she didn't really want to talk right now and she had a feeling that Eliana was waiting for Cristiano back in bed; she felt a pang of jealousy that no one was waiting for her anymore.

Cristiano sighed walking to sit down next to Behati, he looked over at Marosca knowing that he would be out here awhile anyway and that talking to Behati couldn't hurt.

"I just wish I had what you and Eliana have," Behati admitted looking down at her hands, she didn't know what to do now that she was done with Jamie; she was still shocked at the way he had treated her when he had ended things.

Cristiano watched Behati, he recalled what Eliana had told him about the break up and he didn't blame the woman before him for being so upset about things; what her ex-boyfriend had done was cruel and she deserved better.

"You will one day, you'll find your happy ending," Cristiano reassured moving to pat the brunette on the shoulder, he looked over at Marosca and sighed; he knew that he would never trade in what he had with Eliana.

Eliana was the best thing to come into his life, he loved her and he knew that things were going to be good for them; he couldn't wait for them to start a family of their own.

"I hope so," Behati whispered softly, she looked up at Cristiano with hazel eyes and wondered if she would ever find a man like him; she wanted nothing more than to be happy.

Cristiano smiled at Behati reassuringly, he watched her sure that she would find someone that loved her a lot more than Jamie had done and would treat her right; however the last thing that he expected was for her to lean forward and kiss him.

"What the hell?" Cristiano demanded jumping away from Behati, he stared at her shocked knowing that he had no way said anything that had made it seem like he wanted her to kiss him.

Behati stared back just as shocked at what she had done, she didn't know what she had been thinking when she had leant forward and kissed him; she cursed herself knowing that Eliana didn't deserve that.

"I am so sorry," Behati whispered hating herself already, she couldn't believe that she had done that especially after how nice Cristiano had been about this.

Cristiano stared at her, he didn't know what to say but he knew that there was no way that Eliana could find out about what had just happened.

"Eliana must never find out about this," Cristiano hissed before he stormed back into the house leaving Behati alone outside.



Author's Note:

So this is the end of Part One... keep an eye out for Part Two. 

Thanks to everyone that read, commented and rrated this story so far, I couldn't have done it without any of you xxx

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