Part One - Chapter Ten: Real Madrid vs Sevilla

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“You look excited,” Sergio teased knowing that this wasn’t going to be an easy match, he had been surprised that Cristiano had somehow managed to find a Victoria Secret Angel to date and was pleased that his friend looked so happy.

Cristiano nodded his head, it was the first time that Eliana would attend one of his match, he wanted to do well and show her what he did; she might have watched him from home but this would be the first time in the Santiago Bernabéu.

“His girlfriend is here,” Karim Benzema said smirking, it was hardly going to go un-noticed if a famous model entered the stadium; he would be interested to actually see the model up close after the match.

Cristiano rolled his eyes as he pulled on his shoes, he had a feeling that he wasn’t going to hear the end of it when his team-mates got to see his girlfriend; he hadn’t really introduced Eliana to any of them before.

“So we finally get to meet the model?” Marcelo asked a little surprised that Cristiano had waited this long, he had seen what his friend had been like in the past when he had dated models and this time it was different.

Eliana was clearly very important to Cristiano and Marcelo hoped that his friend had found some sort of happiness; his past couple of girlfriends had only been interested in him because he was a famous footballer.

“You do,” Cristiano replied wanting nothing more to end this conversation so that he could focus on the match; he wanted a good match so that he could show off to Eliana.

Marcelo grinned, he had no idea what Eliana was like and he had a feeling that he was going to have to have a talk with the woman that had very clearly stolen Cristiano’s heart.

Cristiano tugged on his shirt as José Mourinho started to prepare for the pre-match talk, he had no idea what the match was going to be like but he was hopeful for a good one.


Eliana took a deep breath as she stepped into the private box, she had been a little surprised when Cristiano had asked her to come to the final match of the year; she hadn’t been able to say no at how excited he had been.

It hadn’t escaped her notice that people now stared at her a lot, Eliana had known that things would change but she hadn’t expected them to continue to stare at him for so long.

Eliana moved towards her seat, she wasn’t sure what to expect but she knew that she didn’t want a big fuss; she wanted nothing more than to blend in a little and to go un-noticed.

Cristiano had done his best to make her feel comfortable about coming to the match, she wasn’t going to be the only spouse that was there and he knew that it would be good for her to meet some of them now.

Eliana sat down quietly, she set her bag between her feet and held her coat close to her; she could only imagine how cold it was going to get during the match and it was already getting late.

Eliana had arrived a little early for the match since she didn’t want to be noticed, in the month since the announcement had been made that Eliana was dating Cristiano so much had changed.

Brushing her hair from her face, Eliana tried to ignore the whispers that she could hear; she didn’t want any trouble and she hoped that none of them would start anything.

“You must be Eliana,” said a voice making Eliana look up, she blinked surprised when she saw a woman standing before her; she carried a bit of a baby bump and had a little boy with her.

Eliana wracked her brain trying to think of who the woman was, she had seen her before and she couldn’t work out who it was.

“I’m Caroline and this is Luca,” Caroline Celico introduced moving to sit down next to Eliana, she knew how nerve wracking the first match could be for anyone and it didn’t help that other women would be judging her.

Eliana smiled at Caroline, she remembered her now since she was Kaka’s wife and the little boy that was with her was adorable; she couldn’t help think that he looked so much like his father.

“It’s nice to meet you,” Eliana replied politely, she hadn’t expected anyone to come and talk to her since she was new; she felt a little pushed out since everyone in the private box had known each other for quite a while.

Caroline smiled, she could see what Cristiano saw in the woman before her and she hoped they could be good friends; it was going to be an interesting season and she could do with someone to talk to during matches.

The two women were quiet as the players made their way onto the pitch, the match would start soon and they wouldn’t have to wait much longer; the match was the last one before the Christmas break and the next one wasn’t until the New Year.


Cristiano took a deep breath as he stepped into the players’ lounge after the match, it hadn’t been one of his best but he was happy that it was finally over; he wanted nothing more than to relax for a couple of weeks.

It didn’t take him long to find Eliana, Cristiano swallowed at the sight of his girlfriend with Luca; he had never seen her with a child before and it made him feel funny.

Eliana had a smile on her face as she talked with Caroline, she hadn’t noticed Cristiano arrive instead focused on the little boy that she was fussing over.

“She looks like a natural,” Kaka mused watching Cristiano’s girlfriend with his son, he had seen a smile on his face and he was sure that Cristiano had picked a good one this time.

Cristiano nodded his head, he felt an odd stirring inside of him that he was quick to push down; it was far too early to focus on something like that, they had barely been together for three months.

Caroline smiled at the sight of her husband, she could see the look on Cristiano’s face and she hoped that he wasn’t going to do anything stupid; she liked Eliana and she hoped that she would be good for the man since he needed someone.

Caroline had known Cristiano for over a year now and she had noticed how lonely he had been in Madrid since he had arrived, he might have been happy and content but she had noticed how he was around those who were married and had children.

“Olá,” Caroline greeted moving to kiss her husband when he and Cristiano approached them, she rested a hand on her bump knowing it wouldn’t be long until their daughter was born.

Eliana looked up at Cristiano and smiled, she could see that he had an odd look on his face and she was curious what had caused it; she watched him as he moved to sit down next to her and kissed her.

Cristiano kissed his girlfriend, he drew her close and he wanted nothing more than to enjoy a moment with her; he had no idea what he would do if his mother didn’t like Eliana.

Dolores Aveiro had never liked any of his past girlfriends and had made a point to drive them away with the help of Elma and Katia; it wasn’t going to end well if they disliked Eliana.

Cristiano could only imagine what would happen when they returned to Portugal to meet their parents.

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