Part Two - Chapter Thirteen: The Christmas Dinner

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Cristiano smiled helping Eliana from the car, he knew that things were starting to pick up and he was glad that the Christmas holidays had arrived; he wanted to spend more time with his fiancée. 

Eliana sighed at Cristiano, she couldn't believe that she was already thirty-one weeks pregnant and she was hopeful that things would get better; the last month had been stressful with all the rumours which were only just quietening down at that moment. 

Cristiano handed his car keys over to the valet, he wanted to get inside of the restaurant, the paparazzi were going crazy right now snapping pictures of them and he doubted that things would get better as the evening went on. 

Eliana stuck close to Cristiano, she felt huge and it had taken her ages to find something to wear to the team Christmas dinner; she had a feeling that it was going to be a long evening for the two of them. 

Cristiano stepped into the restaurant and sighed in relief spotting a couple of the team already there with their spouses; he was hopeful that the dinner would be okay since they only had one more match to play before the holidays began and it was going to be an away match. 

Fábio Coentrão waved Cristiano and Eliana over, he was pleased to see that they had arrived since he had been worried that Cristiano wasn't going to come because of what had happened. 

Fábio had seen how crazy things had gotten with all the rumours about Cristiano cheating on Eliana; he doubted his friend was even capable of doing that because of how much he loved the blonde. 

"Olá," Fábio greeted smiling at Cristiano and Eliana as they joined him and Andreia Santos; he could see how happy they were and he hoped things would get better for them. 

Cristiano carefully moved to pull Eliana's chair out for her, he helped her sit down knowing that she was finding it a little difficult to move about now they were in the last trimester of her pregnancy with Elsa.


"I feel fat," Eliana murmured as she talked with a couple of the other women, she knew that it was going to feel odd for a while; she still couldn't believe how fast her pregnancy had gone. 

Andrea snorted and shook her head, she had felt the same when she had been pregnant and she didn't blame Eliana for feeling that way; she doubted that there was a woman in the world who didn't feel huge at some point in their pregnancy. 

"You look beautiful," Caroline Celico insisting admiring the navy blue jersey maternity dress and black ballerina flats that Eliana was wearing; she looked great and she knew that Cristiano was excited about the birth of his daughter. 

Eliana thanked her as she rested a hand on her bump, she couldn't wait for her daughter to be born; she was surprised about how fast the last seven months had practically gone. 

"So have you two thought about names?" Ana Sofia Moreira asked sipping on her drink, the group had huddled together away from the main group and were calmly talking; they were speaking Portuguese and enjoying each other's company. 

Eliana nodded her head not wanting to reveal the name for their daughter to anyone, the couple didn't want the news being leaked to the press no matter how much they trusted their friends. 

"We have chosen one," Eliana revealed carefully, she rubbed her bump thinking about what it would be like to finally hold her little girl; she wanted nothing more for that moment to arrive. 

It was strange to think that it less than two months she was going to be a mother, she was actually looking forward to it.

"What is she doing here?" a voice hissed making Eliana look over curiously before she stopped, her eyes lingering on the woman that had tried to ruin things for her and Cristiano; she couldn't believe that Andressa was here. 

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