Part Two - Chapter Eleven: Unwanted Attention

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Cristiano yawned running a hand through his hair as he followed the team into the hotel where they were staying, they had flown into Dortmund for their match in the champion's league against Borussia Dortmund. 

Cristiano hadn't been pleased with the fact that he had to be away from Eliana, she was twenty-five weeks pregnant and he knew this was a tough time for her since she was stuck at home. 

Eliana hadn't been able to model for the Victoria Secret show that year and Cristiano knew how much she was missing it; he was sure though that she would get a chance next year. 

Cristiano shouldered the bag that he had brought with him, he smiled and waved a little at the fans that had gathered outside of the hotel; he couldn't wait to get inside and relax before he called Eliana to check on her. 

Cristiano had brought his laptop with him, he liked to skype with his fiancée when he got into his hotel room; it made being away from her easy and he couldn't imagine what was going to happen when their daughter arrived in February. 

"Any plans for tonight?" Marcelo asked looking at Cristiano, he knew most would crash in their hotel rooms and he didn't blame them; a lot of the players had families and other halves that they wished to check in on. 

Marcelo was the person that Cristiano would be sharing a room with on this trip, a fact that eased Cristiano's mind knowing that nothing crazy was going to happen tonight and he would be able to relax before the match tomorrow. 

"Nothing big," Cristiano replied with a shake of his head, he wanted to talk with Eliana before he went to sleep; he missed his fiancée and he was sure that she was relaxing and not doing too much while he was away. 

Marcelo nodded his head, he doubted that anyone would be doing anything much and he was sure that he had heard James say that he had brought some video games.


"You look tired," Eliana murmured making Cristiano chuckle and shake his head, he leant back on his hotel room bed and stared down at his laptop; he was glad to have the room to himself for a little while. 

Cristiano hadn't wanted long after he had showered to call Eliana, he missed her and he hated being away from her like this so much; it was unavoidable when he played for a club like Real Madrid. 

"I'm not too tired to talk to you amor," Cristiano replied with a smile, he could easily see Eliana's bump since her cotton nightie hugged it and he wished that he could run his fingers over the bump. 

Cristiano loved feeling their baby kick and he couldn't wait for their daughter to be born, he was hopeful that she would arrive when he didn't have a match; the last thing that he wanted was to miss the birth of his first child. 

"How was your flight?" Eliana asked resting a hand on her bump, she didn't want to keep Cristiano awake when there was an important match the next day and she knew that he would need to focus. 

The last thing that Eliana wanted to deal with was an annoyed Mourinho for making Cristiano tired before an important match; Real Madrid were trying to win the champions league and it was the all-important number ten for the club. 

"It was fine," Cristiano chuckled knowing that Eliana worried too much, he was sure that everything was going to be just fine; he watched her closely wanting to be sure that she was alright. 

Cristiano opened his mouth to say something when there was a knock at his hotel room door, he frowned knowing that it couldn't be Marcelo since he knew that the other man had taken his key when he had disappeared off to play some games.

"Expecting someone?" Eliana asked curiously, she already knew the answer and she was sure that Cristiano would have said something if he was; she watched as he shook his head before moving the laptop over onto a table so it wouldn't fall. 

Cristiano padded over to the door and hoped that it was just one of his team-mates since he was just in his boxers; he carefully opened the door before a blonde pushed her way into the room making him blink confused. 

"Olá," the woman greeted with a smile, she knew that she had been so close to getting caught but she couldn't have been happier that she had reached his hotel room. 

Cristiano stared at the woman that was wearing a large trench coat that reached her knees and a set of black strappy heels; he wasn't sure how she had slipped past security but he knew that this wasn't good. 

The woman smiled as she looked around the hotel room, it was very nice and she hoped that no one would be coming by to disturb them anytime soon; she moved to sit down on the bed knowing that the trip from Brazil had been worth it. 

"Can I help you?" Cristiano asked peeking at the laptop, he was relieved to see that Eliana hadn't disconnected their skype call; he didn't know what he would do if she had done. 

The last thing that Cristiano wanted was for her to get the wrong idea, he would never cheat on her and she was the only woman that he wanted; he had to get rid of this crazy fan before someone got the wrong idea and it was leaked to the press. 

"You certainly can," the woman pursed slowly opening her trench coat to reveal the lack of clothing under it, she smirked staring at Cristiano who quickly looked away from her. 

Cristiano cursed himself wondering why it was always him that this happened to, he had thought after signing for Real Madrid that he would never have to deal with fans like this again.

The last time this had happened the woman had accused him of raping her about a month after his father had passed away; it was a moment that haunted Cristiano and he was always careful and he hadn't had a repeat incident until now. 

"Listen..." Cristiano said trying to think of ways to get rid of the woman, he didn't want her in his room and he was worried about what Eliana thought about all of this. 

The woman chuckled at how flustered the footballer was, she had hoped he would be a little more relaxed and she was sure she could help him do so. 

"Andressa," the woman said introducing herself, she doubted that he would be forgetting her name after tonight and she could make herself useful to his disposal while that whale of a fiancée of his carried his child. 

"Listen Andressa. I'm not interested... I have a fiancée," Cristiano said moving to pull on some jeans, he wasn't sure why she was here but he could only imagine what she was thinking could happen by being here. 

"I can be anyone you want," Andressa purred watching Cristiano, she slowly got to her feet and walked towards him; she smiled knowing that this was too perfect. 

Cristiano gritted his teeth before he grabbed hold of Andressa and started to push her out of his hotel room; he made sure that she had her coat before shoving her out of his room. 

A couple of people turned to look at the barely dressed woman that Cristiano had pushed out of his room; they could tell the footballer was annoyed and a shout from security sent her running. 

Cristiano shook his head and returned to his laptop, he wanted to speak with Eliana and he hoped that she wasn't upset; the last thing he wanted was for anything to ruin their relationship.

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