Part One - Chapter Twenty-Five: Thinking About the Future

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"How was your morning?" Cristiano asked leaning back on the couch and looking at his girlfriend as she sat down next to him, she slipped off her shoes rubbing her tired feet before Cristiano stopped her.

Eliana blushed as Cristiano took her left foot and started to rub it, she had been on her feet all day with a photoshoot then helping her mother set things up at her new apartment.

The last month had been crazy and Eliana was surprised with how well her mother was taking the divorce from her father, she was happy that Jennifer wasn't letting this bring her down.

"It was good... mãe is liking her new apartment and her lawyer says things are going well," Eliana replied enjoying the foot massage that Cristiano was giving her; she was hoping that things were going to be okay.

Eliana hadn't really spoken to her father other than an awkward phone call over the holidays but she hadn't said much to him especially when finding out that he was spending Christmas with his girlfriend.

Cristiano nodded his head, he felt for Eliana and he knew that this wasn't easy even if he didn't want her to fall out completely with her father after what he had done; William was an idiot yes, but he was always going to be her father.

"That's good," Cristiano mused glad that Jennifer liked the apartment, she hadn't wished to outstay her welcome with the couple and Cristiano had helped her find an apartment; he wanted her to be comfortable in her new home since she was refusing to return to Madeira.

Eliana closed her eyes, she was sure that things were going to be okay and she knew that her mother was already looking into finding a job; she had even agreed to go on a cruise which had surprised Eliana.

Jennifer had never been on holiday since William had always refused, however now that they were getting divorce and she was excited about going on holiday with Eliana.

"Did you speak to Hugo?" Eliana asked looking at her boyfriend, she remembered that he had been going to call his older brother; he had been in rehab for a month now and she was sure that he was doing well.

Cristiano sighed and shook his head, he hadn't been able to speak with his brother but the doctor that he had spoken with him had reassured him that everything was well.

Hugo was adapting well to his treatment even after the rough first month that he'd had in the rehab, things were starting to look up and he was responding well; it was a good sign even with five more months to his stay in the centre.

"He doesn't want to speak to anyone," Cristiano murmured annoyed that again his brother was shutting himself away from the rest of the family; most thought that the time in rehab would be a waste of time, sure that Hugo would relapse at the first chance that he got.

Dolores was devastated about the fact that Hugo was so far away from her and he was refusing to speak to anyone; she wanted to comfort her son and tell him that she was proud of him.

"It'll be okay, he'll come around," Eliana reassured softly moving to comfort her boyfriend, she wrapped her arms around him knowing that he had enough on his plate.

Eliana wished that there was something that she could do for him, she hated that he was suffering; she held him close and kissed him wanting to make things better a little.

"I know... I just wish that he would talk to me," Cristiano grumbled closing his eyes and allowing Eliana to kiss down his neck, he smiled a little knowing that he was lucky.

Cristiano didn't know what he would do if he didn't have her by his side, she made everything a little better for him.


"Have you thought about the future?" Cristiano asked curiously sitting down on the bed and watching Eliana, he couldn't help himself and he knew that he had done a lot of thinking in the last month about what he wanted.

Eliana paused and looked at him before she dropped her things into the washing basket, she had no idea what had brought this on but she wasn't going to deny that she had.

"I have," Eliana confirmed with a smile, she wasn't sure what to expect from this conversation; they had been together for sixteen months and things had been going well for them.

Cristiano smiled back, he couldn't help but want to know what was going on inside her head; she was important to him and he wanted to know if they wanted the same things.

"What do you think about?" Cristiano asked sitting forward while Eliana padded around the bedroom preparing for bed; he loved watching her since no one else got to see that side of her and it made him happy.

Eliana brushed some hair from her face, she took a deep breath a little nervous but she wasn't going to lie about what she wanted; she moved to sit down on the bed when she had finished.

"I see us maybe getting married, having two children, a girl and a boy," Eliana murmured a little embarrassed, she climbed into bed and peeked at Cristiano wondering what he would think about that.

Cristiano nibbled on his lip smiling at his girlfriend, he loved hearing what she wanted and he was excited about the fact that they did want the same things out of life.

"We'd move to America for a while before retiring back to a beach house back in Portugal," Eliana continued knowing that she was being silly, she knew that Cristiano had to go wherever his career took him and she had no doubts that while they were still together that she would follow him anywhere in the world.

Eliana wanted things to work out well for them, she couldn't see herself with anyone else but Cristiano and it was a little new to her.

"That sounds lovely," Cristiano murmured moving closer to her, he kissed her neck and wrapped an arm around Eliana, he was pleased to hear that they wanted the same things and he could see them having all of that.

Eliana closed her blue eyes, she relaxed into Cristiano's touch as he nibbled at her neck; she was sure that there was a reason behind why Cristiano was interested in what she wanted.

"I love you," Cristiano whispered moving to kiss Eliana, he hadn't told her but he had started to look into engagement rings and planning the perfect proposal.

Cristiano wanted what he was planning to be a surprise, he wanted things to move forward for them even if he wasn't going to push for things just yet.

"I love you too," Eliana whispered turning to Cristiano, she wrapped her arms around his neck and drew him closer; she wasn't going to over think his words when they were doing fine.

Eliana was sure that Cristiano would tell her eventually what was going on in that head of his; she would wait until then since there was no reason for her to worry about them.

Cristiano gently kissed Eliana, he was already gathering together a plan and he knew that he didn't want to drag things out longer than was needed; he was anxious to move forward with their relationship and he was sure that they were ready for that.

Cristiano was playing with the idea of proposing to Eliana for Valentine's day, he knew that she had time off and it would be perfect; he just needed to find the right engagement ring.

Eliana was the one and Cristiano was sure about that, he wanted to spend his life with her and he was sure that they would have the perfect little family.

The Footballer's GirlfriendOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora