Chapter 8

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I've been here a while and things are going well except for this group of people ruining my plans.  I was supposed to start this school and go unnoticed.  Things were not going as planned.  I have never met anyone like this group before.  They suck you right in before you know what has happened.  I love having them as friends, but it was going to make it hard to leave this place when mom decides that we need yet another fresh start.  I was for sure going to miss this group of people.

I got the house cleaned early this morning.  We had the day off from school for some teacher's workshop.  Brayden was supposed to come over around noon so I could help him with his calculus homework.  Mom left out yesterday and would be gone for only a couple of days this time. 

I scrolled through social media while I waited on Brayden.  I came across a picture Ayden posted of a lake.  It was beautiful.  I decided that after Brayden left, I would try and find the lake before I did grocery shopping.  I absentmindedly started thinking about Ayden.  He was as hot and cold as I was.  One day he was so sweet and kind and the next he totally ignored me.  I should be thankful that he was able to pull away since I wasn't doing a very good job at keeping my distance.  I was going to have to start doing better.  I knew firsthand what it meant if I didn't.


"Thank you for helping me.  I think I will ace the exam Monday." Brayden said as we picked up our books.

"No problem.  I'm glad I could help."  I said as I put my cup in the sink.  I didn't want to be rude, but I didn't want him to get the wrong idea about us hanging out alone.

"What do you have planned for today?"  He asked.

"I'm supposed to meet the girls for shopping."  I said hoping this was enough to keep him from asking me hang out longer.

"Do you have time to let me buy you lunch as a thank-you for helping me?"  Brayden asked.

"You don't have to do that.  I didn't mind."

"Well, then I'll bring over pizza and we can watch a movie when you are done shopping." Brayden said, not taking no for an answer.

"We can do lunch."  I smiled giving in.  I would much rather be in a public setting than spend more time alone without studying to do.


"Thank you."  I said to the waitress as she sat down our burgers and fries.

"You seem to have caught Ayden's eye."  Brayden said as he played with his food.

"What?"  I asked.  His words catching me off guard.

"You have.  I can totally see why. I don't want you to get hurt, that's why I feel that I should warn you.  He uses girls, they are like playthings to him."  He looked up from his plate when he was finished speaking.  

"Um...thanks."  I took a sip of my tea.  "But you don't have to worry about me.  I don't date.  I never live in one place long enough to even think about relationships."

"Oh.  That's too bad.  I know another guy, a good guy who likes you a lot."  Brayden sat his hand on top of mine.  I froze not knowing what to do.

"What are you guys doing here?"  Aubree asked sneaking up on us.  "We were just about to call you and see if you wanted to meet us here."

"Are you two on a date?"  Kaylee chimed in.

"It sure looks like a date to me."  Jonah added, pointing at our hands.

"No, it's not a date!"  I said after quickly jerking my hand out from underneath Brayden's.  "He bought me lunch as a thank you for tutoring him this morning."  The look on Ayden's face seemed murderous, while Brayden wore a smirk.  Ayden and Brayden seemed to be having their own private pissing contest.

"At her house.  Alone."  Brayden added with a smirk.

"Sit.  Where are we going shopping after this?"  I asked trying to change the subject. 

"I'll see you losers later."  Ayden said after reading a text on his phone.

"Where are you going?"  Aubree asked. 

"You know me.  I've got places to go, girls to do."  Ayden said with a wink after making eye contact with me.  

"You have a problem."  Aubree shook her head in disbelief.

"I say we move the girl's night to mine or Makenzie's house."  Kaylee suggested.

"My mom is out of town."  I shrugged.

"Your house it is."  Aubree agreed.


After shopping for hours, we finally made it back to my house.  I was beat.  These girls sure liked to shop.  We piled all the bags from our day on my bed.

"So.  What do you think of Brayden?"  Kaylee batted her lashes at me.

"He's...sweet."  I blushed.  I didn't really know what to say.  I think I like him in that way. I know I did in the beginning before I got to know Ayden better.  Both are super freaking hot.  Brayden is hot in a clumsy dork kind of way.  Ayden is hot in that rough sex, bad boy fantasy type way.

"He really likes you.  So does my brother in his weird fucked up kind of way."  Aubree added.

"Has anyone else noticed the weird way those two have been acting?  Jonah said when it's just the guys hanging out it's even worse than when we are around.  He said it's like they had a falling out that no one knows about.  One of them are always leaving the group to go get a piece of ass."  Kaylee informed us.

"Jesse said the same thing.  He said it's like they hate each other but are trying to keep it between just the two of them so the group doesn't have to choose which side they are on."  Aubree added.

"Brayden is a player?" I asked shocked. I could see the statement being true about Ayden, but for some reason the accusation about Brayden was hard to believe.

"Yeah, where have you been?" Kaylee joked.

"Look, I'll set them both straight.  I don't date.  And I don't hook up with my friend's brothers.  I don't want them fighting over me.  I don't know how much longer I will even be here.  This is stupid."  I said defending myself.

"It started before you got here.  It has escalated since you have been here, but you have done nothing wrong."  Kaylee said.

"I have never seen my brother be this way about a girl before.  He acts like he really cares about you.  Then he fucks it all up when Brayden is around by using you to get to Brayden.  My brother is an idiot."  Aubree said.

"What do you mean?"  The stupid words left my mouth before I could stop them.  "I mean..."

"You like my brother, don't you?"  Aubree squealed.

"I didn't say that.  It doesn't matter if I do or if I don't.  I don't date, so there's that." I shrugged trying to change the subject.

"Uh-huh."  Kaylee said smiling at Aubree.

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