Chapter 11

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 I awoke in Ayden's bed... alone. I don't remember how I got here. My head was pounding. Throwing my legs over the side of the bed to get up, I had the sudden urge to empty the contents of my stomach. I raced to the bathroom across the hall. I'm not for sure what alcohol was in those cups last night, but I would never touch that kind again. I felt like death warmed over. After flushing the toilet, I placed my pounding head on the cool tile of the bathroom floor.

"You alright in there?" Aubree asked.

"Yeah. Do you have some clothes I can borrow? I'm going to shower." I said sitting up.

"Yeah. I'll place them on the doorknob. There's breakfast downstairs when you are done."

"Thanks." I said turning on the shower.

The water felt amazing. I was starting to feel a little more human. I was thankful for the endless supply of hot water. The bathroom looked like a steam room.

Thoughts of last night started replaying in my head as the pounding lessened. How did I get here? I could still taste the bitterness of the liquid from playing beer pong. The memory made me shiver. Turning off the water, I grabbed my towel. I dried off before wrapping the towel tightly and pulling back the shower curtain.

"Shit!" I said to Ayden for scaring me. I grabbed the top of my towel to make sure it didn't fall. "What are you doing in here?"

"Bet you feel like shit." He said handing me a change of clothes.

I rolled my eyes as he handed me the clothes. "I guess since I woke up in your bed, that must mean you brought me here. Thanks. What's with the attitude? Did I cock block you?" I huffed pushing past him, heading to Aubree's room to get dressed.

"Are you being for real right now?" He said following me.

"You didn't have to, Ya know. I had a ride home." I said slamming the door. His foot stopped the door from shutting.

"You did find a ride! With that piece of shit Cameron! How could you be so irresponsible? You don't know anything about him!" He yelled red faced.

"Would you just tell me why you're in such a piss poor mood? I'm seriously drawing a blank here. All I did was play beer pong with the dude. I just don't see the point of your attitude." I said as I pulled on my shorts under the towel.

"You were hanging all over him. You were leaving with him. If you can't handle your liquor any better than that, I wouldn't recommend drinking again." He sneered, crossing his arms on his muscular chest.

"I can handle my liquor just fine. I should be the one pissed at you for cock blocking me." I said turning my back to him and dropping my towel so I could put on my shirt.

"Cock blocked you?" He asked, his voice lower.

"I have needs too you know. It's alright for guys to do it." I said as I hooked my bra before turning to face him.

Ayden stood with his arms crossed not saying a word.

I pulled my shirt over my head as he tried to not look at my bra.

"I'll try not to cock block you anymore." I said walking past him to head downstairs.

"Is that an offer, sweet ass?"  Ayden asked.

I stopped dead in my tracks. I slowly turned around to face him.  He closed the distance between us quickly.  His ran a bent finger down my jaw.  He was so close that I could feel his heat radiating off of him.

"You wouldn't know what to do with me." I whispered fighting the urge to kiss him.  I pressed my breast against his chest teasing him.  

"The things I would do to that sexy little body of yours." He said before squeezing my ass and disappearing down the stairs leaving me even more confused than ever. We were playing a dangerous game, and it was my turn to make a move.


"Good morning, sunshine.  Are you feeling better?"  Aubree asked as she removed a pancake from the skillet, placing it on top of the stack on a platter.

"No, my head is pounding."  I sat down and poured myself a glass of orange juice.

"I know you don't want any pancakes after being sick.  Want me to cook you some bacon?"  Aubree asked.

"No, thanks.  Just this orange juice and an aspirin if you have it."  I said propping my head up with my hand.

"You got sick?  I thought you were sobering up before you went outside?"  Kaylee asked.

"I did.  I think I just shouldn't have mixed alcohol.  I won't be doing that again anytime soon."  My stomach churning just thinking about the taste.

"Here."  Ayden said handing me the aspirin I asked for.

"Can someone give me a ride?  I think I'm just going to go home and sleep this off."  I said after swallowing the pills.

"I'll give you a ride. I'll go get my keys."  Ayden said then ran up the stairs before I could argue.  

My head was still pounding.  I breathed in and out deeply trying not to get sick again.  The movement of the truck was not helping.  I closed my eyes and laid my head back on the headrest. I could feel Ayden watching me.

"You must have had a lot to drink last night."  Ayden said trying remove the silence that filled the cab of his truck.

"Yeah."  I paused concentrating on my breathing. "I think it was mixing the different kinds of alcohol.  I don't know what kind they had when we were playing beer pong, but it was the nastiest shit I have ever tasted."  The thought of that drink made my mouth go dry.

"How many did you have?  I thought you kicked ass?"

"I did."  I breathed in and out deeply. "I just had one."  

I peeked under my eyelashes to see Ayden gripping the steering wheel so hard his Knuckles turning white.

"Pull over, now!"  I demanded as I reached for the door handle.  Ayden pulled over quickly, barely stopping before I was out of the truck.  I ran to the bed of the truck, doubling over as I got sick.

Ayden came around the front of the truck, walking up behind me.  I put my hand up behind me as if to tell him to go away.  I couldn't speak as I repeatedly got sick. 

"There you go.  Get it all out."  Ayden said as he held my hair back and rubbed my back.

After I was finished Ayden helped me to the truck.  I was so embarrassed that he seen me like that but was glad he was there to help me.  My body was once again drained of all energy.

I walked downstairs to find Ayden cooking breakfast.  I stopped to admire him.  Our five-year-old daughter and our three-year-old son were setting at the bar talking to Ayden.

"Is it mommy's birthday or something?"  She asked.  She had the same hair color and attitude as Ayden but looked like me. 

"No, we are doing this just because we love mommy."  Ayden said poking her little button nose.

"We love mommy!"  Our little boy cheered causing Ayden to chuckle.

"Hurry and finish eating so we can go wake mommy."  Ayden said smiling at me. 

I woke up to find myself in my bed.  There was a wet washcloth on my head.  I felt better except for my heart was about to beat out of my chest.  I don't remember getting here.  I knew I fell asleep after Ayden helped me back into his truck, he must have carried me to my bed.  That dream was so real.  It scared me realizing how much I wanted that dream to be true one day. What the hell was going on with me? 

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