Chapter 41

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Ayden and I had been back together for a few days.  He had been being so sweet.  We had hung out with my parents and went on a date, all the normal high school relationship things.  We have yet to make love.  He said he wanted to take it slow and do things right, but...I wanted him, and I wanted him bad. 

Ayden would be picking me up in an hour to attend a party at the lake.  He said he didn't want to go because everyone would be there, everyone including Sarah.  I wanted to go, because it would be the first time I was around Sarah since I found out about the pictures.  I wanted to get this over with before school on Monday.  

I got dressed in a pair of distressed blue jean shorts, that were way shorter than I usually wear.  I topped it off with a sheer top that showed off my bikini top.  The shirt and my bikini top were both black.  I felt sexy as hell.  The idea was to make Ayden unable to turn me down tonight.  I was staying over at his house, so I packed the lingerie I had bought as a backup plan.  I did my makeup a little heavier than usual finishing with a shade of red lipstick.  I was ready and waiting on the porch when he pulled up.  He jumped out of his truck and headed up the sidewalk when he seen me standing on the steps.

"Fuck."  He whispered, his eyes bugged and mouth hanging open.  Good. Phase one was working.  

"Hi, baby."  I said as I slowly walked up to him.  I gave him a slow sexy kiss, biting his lip at the end.

"Mm..."  He moaned before I pulled away.  "Ready to go?"  He asked dazed.

I climbed up the step bar on his side.  It was supposed to be sexy, making him check out my ass.  It was working until typical Makenzie showed up and her foot slid, and she almost fell out of the truck.

"Easy does it."  He said catching me.  Then he slapped my ass as I got up in his truck.  I was glad it was dark so he couldn't see my red cheeks.

"Holy shit!  There are a lot of people here."  I said when we arrived at the lake.

"We don't have to go.  We can go home and watch a movie or go anywhere you want to go."  I could tell he didn't want me around all these people, sure someone was going to say something trying to stir shit.

"I want to go, for a little while anyways."  I said before I took my bottom lip between my teeth.  This caused him to lick his lips as he stared at my mouth.

"We better go now then."  He said opening his door.  

He laced his fingers with mine, pulling me behind him through the crowd.  When we made it to our friends, he pulled me to his side, wrapping a protective arm around me.  

"Damn, girl! You look hot!"  A drunk Kaylee said.  Jonah slapped Ayden on the shoulder with a weird smirk on his face.  Ayden nodded his head his head at their secrete language. 

"Thanks, you do too!"  I giggled.  

"Who's that hot new babe?"  Some drunk guy asked his group of friends as they walked by.  Did I really look that different?  I looked over and seen a pissed off Ayden trying to control himself.  I decided it was best if I stayed by his side tonight.  I dressed this way for him, not to get the unwanted attention of anyone else.

"Do you want a drink?"  Ayden asked me.

"Water would be great."  I said discreetly rubbing my breasts on his arm. 

"Don't move from this spot, I'll be right back."  He whispered in my ear before kissing my cheek.  I decided I would stay.

"Where are Aubree and Jesse?"  I asked.

"They are around here somewhere.  Come on, let's go dance!"  Kaylee said trying to drag me to the makeshift dance floor.

"You go on ahead. I'm going to sit this one out."  

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