Chapter 12

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    It's been a week exactly since I woke to find myself alone in Ayden's bed.  I had gone back to avoiding Ayden after the dream I had.  He was so hot and cold that it was beyond frustrating.  I decided to go for a walk and get my mind off of all things Ayden.  I tied my running shoes and headed out the front door.

    "Hey."  I said shocked staring at the sexiest guy I'd ever seen, named Ayden.  His hand was in the air like he was fixing to knock. "What are you doing here?"  The whole group had gone to the lake, but I had bailed and was at home sulking.

    "I wasn't feeling the lake today.  So, I decided that I wanted to go see a movie with you."  He smirked down at me as he pushed pass sitting down on my couch.  He stretched out his long legs and put both arms behind his head.  It was clear that he made himself comfortable and planned on being here a while.  

    "Umm...okay."  I said shutting the door walking to the couch, handing him the remote.  "You can pick."  I said sitting down leaving a space between us.

    "We are going OUT to watch a movie."  He said placing the remote on the coffee table.

    "Ayden, I really don't feel like going..."

    "Is that what you plan on wearing?"  He cut me off, raising an eyebrow.  "Either get dressed and come of your own free will, or I will throw you over my shoulder in those cute little shorts you have on.  The choice is yours, sweetheart."

   "Give me a few minutes."  I blushed getting up off the couch.  There was no doubt in my mind that he would carry out his threat. 

    I quickly threw on a cute little floral summer dress that came down mid-thigh with a pair of cute sandals.  Thank goodness that I had already taken a shower and curled my hair.  I threw on some powder, lip gloss, neutral eyeshadow and mascara.  After about ten minutes I was satisfied with the way I looked, and headed down stairs.

    "Are you ready?"  I asked as I walked past him to get my bag.

   "Yeah, we better go now."  He whispered to himself, but I heard him.

    "What are you wanting to see?"  I asked as I locked up.

    "I don't even know what's playing."  He said standing to close behind me.  I could feel the heat from his body and smell his minty breath.  I felt goosebumps starting to form on my shoulders, running down my arms.


    "Do you want to see that chick flick?"  He asked pointing to the movie poster hanging beside us.

    "Anything but that one looks good."  I scrunched my nose at him.

 "We'll take the big bucket of popcorn and two drinks."  Ayden told the guy behind the concession stand.  

    "Anything else for you, pretty lady?"  The guy leaned over the counter and grabbed my hand.  Ayden tensed beside me.  It was time to make him squirm.  

    "What do you have in mind?"  I asked giving the player a better view of my cleavage. I was going to make Ayden squirm while putting this asshole in his place. 

    "Whatever you want, baby."  The jerk said biting his lip. 

    "What could you possibly offer me with little hands like these?"  I asked him while twirling his wedding band around his finger letting him know that I had seen it.  This caused Ayden to smirk.  I grabbed Ayden's hand placing it over my cleavage, causing his body to tense.  "See these hands?  These hands know just how to work a woman's body.  How about you give me your wife's number and we'll teach her a few new tricks."  I said in a seductive voice before biting my lip.  "Go home to your wife you piece of shit."  I said straightening up, releasing Ayden's hand.  

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