Chapter 10

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"Wow. There are a lot of cars here." Aubree said as we stepped out of my car.

"I texted Jonah to let him know we were here." Kaylee said as we walked toward the house. We were in the middle of nowhere. I really hoped I would be able to remember the way out of here later.

"There he is." Aubree said pointing to Jonah who was on the porch waiting on us.

"Wow! You ladies look amazing!" He said eyeing only his girlfriend. His eyes darkened looking her up and down. He placed his hands on her hips pulling her to him. "Where did you get this dress?"  His voice husky.

"Makenzie let me borrow it." She said before placing a soft kiss on his lips.

"Sorry Mak, you won't be getting this dress back anytime soon." Jonah said causing Kaylee to blush.

"Behave." Kaylee playfully slapped his arm causing us to laugh.

Jonah led us into the packed house. There were already drunk people passed out in random places. Couples making out and dry humping each other. The typical party scene.

"Where's Brayden?" I asked Jonah over the loud thumping music.

"Um, I think I saw him going upstairs a little bit ago." Jonah said.

"Where's Jesse and my brother?" Aubree asked.

"Jesse is in the kitchen. Ayden and that chick stepped out back a few minutes ago." He said to Aubree giving me a sad smile. Kaylee must tell him everything.

"Let's go get a drink." I suggested winking at Aubree.

Jonah led us to the kitchen. I seen a bunch of guys checking us out as we walked through the house to the kitchen. I kept smiling at them, even winking at a few. When we walked into the kitchen, Jesse spotted us immediately. When he saw Aubree, he looked like he was having trouble breathing. He caught me smiling at his reaction, and tried to regain some composure.

"What is there to drink around here?" I asked nudging Kaylee.

"I'll get you girls a drink." Jonah said kissing Kaylee's cheek before walking away.

"Did you see the way Jesse looked at you when you walked in?" I asked Aubree.

"Yeah, I couldn't breathe!"

"The dress is definitely doing the trick." Kaylee winked. "There comes Jonah with a little liquid courage."

"Here you are, ladies." Jonah said

"That's really good. What is it?" I asked having almost finishing mine in one drink.

"It's called jungle juice. It's a bunch of juice, all kinds of liquor, and all kinds of fruit." He said playing with the ends of his girlfriend's hair.

"I didn't get any fruit." Aubree said looking in her cup.

"You don't want to eat the fruit. It soaks up a lot of the alcohol."

"I want fruit." I said looking at Aubree.

"I want fruit, too." Aubree said looking at me.

"Let's go get fruit." I giggled.

"Bring me back a little fruit." Kaylee said smiling knowing we had to walk right past Jesse.

Aubree smiled at Jesse but kept walking right past him without a word. Jesse's face fell. Oh no he didn't! Did he actually expect her to do all the work?

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