Chapter 18

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"G... good morning, Ayden. How are you feeling?" I heard Aubree from outside my tent.

"About you two?" He snapped. "I still can't believe it! I do know one thing..." he shouted, "I'm glad it's Jesse because I know he will treat you right!"

I peeked out just in time to see the sullen look on Aubree's face turn into a smile as Ayden's words sunk in. He used his harsh tone to throw her off.

"Thank you for understanding!" She leaped into her brother's arms.

"You hurt my sister and you know what happens." Ayden warned Jesse.

"I know man. I'd deserve any punishment you see fit if I fuck this up." Jesse admitted.

I unzipped my tent just in time to see Ayden pull Jesse into a bro hug. The love written on Aubree's face was overwhelming. I zipped my tent back trying to avoid all the cheers they were receiving about finally coming out as a couple. My heart ached for my friend picturing her going through her own version of heartbreak.

"You ready?" Ayden asked pulling me from my thoughts.


"Where are you two going?" Kaylee asked with a hint of mischief laced in her words.

"I'm taking her to the shower." Ayden said with his back to me.

"What shower?" Kaylee asked crossing her arms.

"You know, THE shower." Ayden said before clearing his throat.

"Oh, THE shower." Jonah said nudging his girlfriend. Kaylee's face softened.

"It's not far, this way." Ayden said dragging me down a path behind our tents. I looked back to see my friends waving at me, all except Jesse who was playing in the sand with a stick.

"They acted like they had no idea what you were talking about." I cocked my eyebrow at Ayden.

"It's a very private place with a freshwater stream." He said rubbing his neck. "It's best known for hooking up."

"That will work." I said smirking at his honesty. I let the last part go for now.

"This is the way." He said pointing to a barely visible path off of the well beaten one we were currently on.

"Are you sure about that?" I questioned looking at where the trail we were on was headed.

"Not many people know about this place." He said helping me over a fallen tree.

"So, this is where you bring all the ladies?" I joked.

"You're my first." Ayden said almost blushing. He looked absolutely adorable.

"That must make me special." I tried to tease to change the mood. He just gave me a smile that I swear made his eyes sparkle.

We walked a little further and the trees opened up to the most beautiful stream. There was a huge rock, water flowed off of it. It was a decent sized waterfall. The swimming hole was about the size of three swimming pools. The water was crystal clear.

"There's the shower I promised you." He gave me a sheepish smile.

"I've never seen anything like this." I was almost speechless. I walked to the stream placing my foot into the cool water.  This was the most beautiful place I had ever been.  

"It's not as warm as the lake, but you'll be refreshed." He sat on a rock watching me.

"It's perfect." I said diving under. When I resurfaced, I was in waist deep water. "Could you toss me my shampoo?" He got my shampoo out of my shower bag. After wading out to me he squirted some in his hand. He handed me the bottle before rubbing his hands together.

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