If You're Insinuating You're One Of Those People I Can Prove You Wrong

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Kinnick waited for me to get inside like he did whenever he dropped me off. I gave him a small wave when I popped my door open. His truck didn't roar to life until I stepped inside. Through the small glass on the door, I watched him drive away.

Arms wrapped my body, slamming me into the closed door. There's only one person I know that bathes in the scent of vanilla - Chrissy. She gripped my hand, yanking me toward the kitchen. She is eager to get ready. I wasn't sure if the thirteen missed calls told me that or not.

I failed to tell her I had training today after class. Her teary eyes stared at me, and regret washed over my body. Except she wasn't crying because I scared her into believing I was kidnapped - which has happened plenty of times in the past - but she was happy to see my love life unfolding before her.

"You're ridiculous," I stepped around her, rubbing my face.

"Where are you going?" She wiped her eyes. "We have to stop by my house."

I looked down at my attire. "I'm wearing spandex shorts."

"You should have thought about that."

Her hand curled my wrist, yanking me outside. I looked at her skeptically as she pulled out two facemasks. She ripped the package open with her teeth. After watching Tyler do it with countless condoms, she wanted to try it. I slapped my face failing to understand where I met such a person.

She practically blackmailed me into putting the blue peel-off mask on my face as she whipped around the corner in her Jeep. If I refused to put it on, she would tell my dad I got a ride home from Kinnick. Although I knew she wouldn't, her devilish grin tried to convince me otherwise.

The cool substance slid across my skin, attempting to stick to the sweat on my face. Chrissy told me how sexy I looked in my workout outfit. We pulled in front of her house to see cars parked in the driveway that didn't belong to Luke or her parents. It didn't take long to figure out it was the football team.

Chrissy left her car on as she shot out of her car, throwing the front door open. I hurried behind her, pulling down my spandex shorts as I ran up the stairs of her front porch. She told me she was going to kill Luke, and I almost believed her when she slammed the front door shut to catch everyone's attention. Chrissy was the queen of making grand entrances.

I could hear football playing on the screen of their TV before we made it to the living room. One of Luke's friends shot up from his seat on the couch. Chrissy launched a shoe in his direction, smacking him in the shoulder.

Steven turned around with wide eyes. "Holy shit. Hey."

I watched Tyler, Chrissy's boyfriend, stand from the couch. "Babe, I didn't know you were coming. How are you doing, Bo?"

I smiled, waving at him and Steven. Chrissy asked Tyler if they could talk upstairs, but from the suggestive looks they gave one another, they weren't going to do a lot of talking. I jumped when Luke shot up from the couch. He struggled to catch his footing as he stumbled to the side.

He smoothed his shirt out, pulling on the ends to straighten it over his shorts. His friends laughed at him while he ran his fingers through his hair.

"Bo," he smiled. "Hi."

I rolled my bottom lip into my teeth, fighting off my grin. "Hi, Luke."

"What are you doing here?"

"I can leave," I suggested, teasing him as I pointed at the door.

He came around the couch. "No, I was just wondering. I don't want you to leave - I mean you can if you want to, but I'm just saying I want you here -"

Loving KinnickHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin