Why Find A Girlfriend When I Have Blind Hatred?

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Over the past few days, I noticed dad packing. He assured me he wasn't moving out, but the number of suitcases he had sitting in his room made me think otherwise. Supposedly, there is a training seminar in Colorado. If he wants to be promoted, he has to attend. He thought his departure would bother me - which it did, not because he is home twenty-four-seven and I see him every day - but I have paranoia.

I offered to take him - he declined. He didn't want me to get up at four in the morning on a school night. What he really meant is, we got into a fight, it's awkward, and I don't know how to talk to you anymore. But it didn't take long for me to figure out it had nothing to do with my school and everything to do with Ashley. She was over last night, drinking wine and laughing loudly about her morning insecurities. I have no idea what that means, but Ashley isn't the brightest crayon in the box, so that's probably why.

She stayed the night. I guess that is what happens when you pretend to be drunk off of sparkling cider. Dad sure knows how to pick his women. The best part? He never said anything about her horrible acting and the way she stomped around the house. He even offered to let her wear one of his shirts to bed - how cute.

I came down to the kitchen to find a note on the counter with, 'I love you,' written across it, and his credit card. He told me to use it for supplies while he was gone. Instead of telling me in person, he wrote it on a piece of paper and slipped out of the house in the middle of the night like an adolescent rebellious teenager.

Chrissy offered to stay the night. I didn't deny the offer, but I didn't say yes, either. I don't want to admit how much sleep I will be losing now that my dad is gone. He is never home - I still feel safe knowing he would show up during my slumber.

A knocking at my door stole my attention from the wall I blankly stared at. I saw Chrissy's face through the glass on my front door. She stood with a grinning Charlie under her arm.

"What is this?"

"We're going shopping!" Charlie squealed. "Chrissy told me your dad was going out of town, and what kind of friends would we be if we didn't take advantage of this time?"


"We're going to a party!"

I looked at Chrissy with my head shaking back and forth. "No. No. No. You of all people should know I don't like parties."

"You had fun last time."

"That doesn't change anything."

"Trevor will be there," Charlie pointed out. "It's actually his party, and I think he invited Kinnick."

That was the only reason I agreed. Even if there was a slight possibility the tattooed fighter would be there, I felt at ease. Just like me, every worry walked out of the door. The girls squealed at my sudden approval. They knew it had nothing to do with wanting a girl's night. I'm not the best at hiding my feelings, and the blush on my cheeks said anything before I could - I like Kinnick.

The two insisted I wear something other than jeans, but the ripped pair curled over my arms wouldn't be going back on the shelf. Charlie found a black camisole with a sweetheart chest covered in lace. I couldn't resist.

"We have to find something to wear over it," Charlie skimmed the clothing racks. "It's freezing!"

Chrissy gasped, ripping a hanger back. "This!"

A lump of leather was shoved into my arms. "A leather jacket?"

"You're going to look so hot!" Charlie clapped her hands.

Chrissy disappeared inside of dressing room. Charlie begged me to wear heels. I settled on a pair of black sneakers instead. She scouted out the perfect pair for herself. A burst of familiar laughter filled my ears. I lifted my gaze from the shoe rack, and just like that, for the first time in over a year, I saw Warren.

Loving Kinnickजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें