I Don't Want To Exist In A World That Doesn't Have You In It

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"You need to get your head in the game," John smacked me with his clipboard. "You have a fight in twenty-minutes. What is going on with you?"

I brought the bottle of tequila to my lips. "Whatever. I'll be right back. I need another drink."

"Kinnick!" He called after me. "She will be here. If she promised you that, then she will be here."

I raised my glass to him and walked away. He was going to say whatever he needed to so I would win this fight. After what happened at the gym, she has been ignoring my texts. The only thing taking me away from my thoughts were the people smacking me on the back as I left the locker rooms and the alcohol coursing through my veins.

"Maybe water?" The busty blonde at the bar suggested.

"Maybe not," I snapped, pulling out a twenty from my wallet. "Another Corona."

"Do you want the lime?"

"Come on, Rebecca. When have I ever got it without one?"

She slid a bottle into my hands with her number written in red sharpie. I didn't care about the customers coming to her with requests, I declined her offer. She wasn't Bo. I don't know how crystal fucking clear I can make that. I threw the money in her direction and sauntered off.

Everyone waited anxiously for my next fight. They knew I'd win. That's why John is in talks with another coach. A lot of trainers claim to have a fighter who is a threat to my career. If so, then that's news to me.

I tried thanking the man who told me good luck, but my eyes caught a glimpse of someone in the crowd. Her long black hair fell down her back. She stood in nothing but a dress with thigh-high black boots, like my Bo. But it couldn't be. Then she turned around, and her black-rimmed eyes looked up at me. It was my girl.

"Kinnick, you're up!"

Her caramel eyes broke contact and drifted off elsewhere. The dark-haired beauty slipped off into the crowd. I drowned out the crowd chanting my name, my focus was on finding Bo. The dimming lights didn't make it easy to find a girl dressed in all black.

"Alright, you're up!" The announcer told me, opening the door. "Time to walk!"

"It would be embarrassing if you got knocked out," my head snapped to the side, to see her standing next to me. "I would have to record it and sell it for money. It would be crazy. I don't know how I would begin to explain why I walked with the notorious Kinnick Carson down to the ring."

"You came," I smiled.

"I pinky promised," she held up her pinky. "I never break pinky promises."

"After what I did yesterday, I didn't think you would come. I'm sorry, Bo. Again."

"I'm your number one fan, Kinnick," she looked up at me. "I wouldn't miss this for the world. I was upset, however, because you told me I was going to wear one of your team shirts on the walk. I never received one."

"Shit," I snapped my fingers. "Our delivery guys suck."

"The press is going to eat all of this up," she teased.

I forget we were at the ring until she leaned up pressing a kiss against my cheek. My hand grabbed her upper arm and pulled her back to me, wondering where she thought she was going. I gripped her face, smashing our lips together. She smiled into the kiss, resting her fingers on my jaw as she held me in place.

"You're going to watch, yeah?"

"I'll be ringside, cheering you on."

"Then I guess I'll have the cutest cheerleader in the building," I brought my lips to ear. "I love hearing you scream my name."

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