Why Was The Mushroom Invited To The Party?

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High pitched ringing broke me out of my sleep. I shoved my face deeper into my pillow, waiting for the sound to stop, but it's not fucking going to. My hand snatched the device off of my nightstand. The charger it was hooked to yanked away from the socking. Trevor's number flashed across my screen, and I almost ignored it, but it's two-thirty, and my stomach grew uneasy. That didn't stop me from expressing my anger when I answered.

"Kinnick?" I pulled my phone away as music pounded through the speaker.

"What the fuck are you calling me at two-thirty for?"

"Listen," his panicked voice filled my ears. "Bo is here, and she's fucked up. Luke keeps giving her shots -"

"Slow down," I snapped. "Luke is getting Bo drunk?"

"She has drunk half a bottle of Jack."

I heard Luke's voice in the background, cheering Bo on as she chugged whatever she was drinking. My hands rubbed my face asking him to put her on the phone. She protested until Trevor mentioned my name. The way she gasped made my stomach quiver.

"Kinnick?" She slurred into the phone with excitement evident in her tone. "I thought you were coming tonight, but you're not here. I miss you a lot. I really wish you were here right now. Luke and I were doing shots. Don't tell him, but I wish it was you."

"I'm coming to get you," I held my phone against my ear with my shoulder as I slipped on a pair of shorts. "And get your ass down from the table. I don't want you getting hurt."


I gripped the keys in my hand. "Excuse me?"

"I'm having fun," she hiccuped. "I'm not getting down."

"We will see about that."

The engine to my truck roared to life, echoing through the parking garage. My tires screeched against the pavement, pulling me onto the street. Bo stayed on the phone, murmuring incoherent words and yelling at her friends as they tried convincing her to get down. Her refusal to listen to me made me clutch my steering-wheel with such force I thought it was going to pop off.

The little giggle I've come to adore floated through my phone as men cheered her on. Trevor can't fight for shit, and neither can Luke. I can't trust either of them to protect her. I couldn't trust them regardless, and now Bo's safety is in their hands. Why the fuck is she at a party anyway? She had no business going.

Trevor's house came into view as I whipped around the corner. Drunken teens filled the lawn until I pulled up. They jumped out of the way as if I was anywhere close to them. I slammed on the brakes and threw my truck in park.

From the porch, I could hear Bo signing. I noticed her the second I entered the house. Her hips were swaying back and forth in a pair of ripped blue jeans. She stood on top of Trevor's dining room table with Luke below her. The leather jacket covering her arms made it appear as if she were a rebel. I knew better. It didn't make it any less attractive.

Chrissy stood next to Luke, begging Bo to get done. Trevor shouted at Luke who was in his face. The hazel-eyed girl clutched a bottle of whiskey. The cap was missing, and from here, I could tell she was shit-faced. Her black-rimmed eyes were bloodshot. Angry words left her mouth.

She brought the glass bottle to her lips. Her throat contracted as she gulped it down. Within four strides, I was by her side, snatching the bottle from her hands and tossing it behind me. She looked down at me, a dimpled grin pulled across her face.

"Bo, what the fuck are you doing? Get down from the table."

"No," she glared.

"I wasn't asking."

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