I Couldn't Stand Her But Now I'm Brushing Her Teeth

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Now she's passed out in my arms. Her face is currently buried into the crook of my neck. Small snores left her mouth, sending vibrations against my skin. Pieces of her chestnut curls tickled my nose. I wouldn't dare push them away if it meant waking her up.

After another round of beer-pong, she curled up on my lap and fell asleep. So much for not going to bed. I asked Miles to take me to her house. Now we're here. I've only seen her house through the windows. Hidden between the sheer white curtains is a home empty of love.

The walls lacked decorations. For as much Seth claims to love Bo, she had no pictures hung on the wall. There are holes in the wall, where I assumed precious memories were framed. For some reason, they were taken down.

The original woodwork is glossy. Against the antique walls, the cherry wood stood out. Other than their black furniture and house plants, there's nothing colorful about their home. This is probably what people think when they come to my place.

Surprisingly, Seth doesn't have security systems. After years of terrorizing the man, I've learned his work schedule, so I could pull stupid pranks on him. Maybe slashing his tires isn't funny, but for me it was.

My shoes colliding with the steps echoed through the stairwell. I tried planting my feet softer with every step I climbed, so I didn't disturb the girl in my arms. I softly kicked open every door on the second level until I found her room. My breath hitched when it creaked.

Avengers Infinity War played on the small flat screen. Fairy lights hung down from her ceiling, laying over her posters of fictional characters.

She had six bookshelves, three on each side of her TV. They are filled to the brim with novels, in all different colors and sizes. On top of her black shelves are Marvel Funko-Pops and comic books in plastic cases.

"I'm running out of room," her soft voice filled my ears. "My dad said I'd have a library by the time I move out."

She startled me, I was unaware she woke up.

"You know I've been reading the one you got me? I've bookmarked all the good stuff. I hope you don't mind that I highlighted it too."

"It is yours, bookworm, do with it as you please."

"I want a jungle growing this summer," she rubbed her eyes. "What time is it?"

"About two, way before your dad gets here."

"Thank you for bringing me home."

Her mouth widened as she let out a yawn. The hand holding onto my shirt lost its grip to rub at her eyes. They slowly fluttered open to look at me. Her round, doe-like eyes with long, light brown eyelashes. If you aren't looking close enough, you wouldn't notice they are there. She has a baby face, smooth and free of impurities.

"I need to brush my teeth."

"You can barely stand."

"Can you help me?"

"Of course."

Once her feet hit the floor, she stumbled towards her closet. I grabbed her upper-arm, steadying her frame. Maybe I shouldn't leave. Even though she's assured me it's okay, she continued swaying back and forth.

"Hold on," she halted my movement.

She fidgeted under my hoodie. I stared at her with confusion until her wine-red dress pooled at her feet. A white-lace bra joined the material. I sucked in a deep breath. Her ability to make my heart pound made me worry. She wrapped her fingers around my index and led me out of the room. I looked at her small digits, adoring their size.

"You have small hands."

"Or yours are just massive."

"Maybe," I shrug. "How are you feeling?"

"A little headache," she shrugged. "No upset tummy, I usually have tummy issues."

She pulled a Care Bears step stool from under her bathroom cabinet.

"What is that for?"

"I can't see my mirror."

I cupped her armpits and lifted her onto the glossy white countertop. She held onto my shirt for stability.

"I've got you," I grin at her. "Where's your toothbrush?"

She pulled out a One Direction toothbrush from her cabinet with toothpaste. I raised my brows at her.

"Don't judge," she scolds. "It sings."

I rolled my eyes and spread the toothpaste across the bristles. When I looked back up, she was gripping the counter with a wide smile. Stray hairs stuck to her plump lips. I gently pulled them away before gripping her chin.

Her eyes stayed on me the whole time. I circled her already pearly-white teeth. A few weeks ago, I couldn't stand her but now I'm brushing her teeth. This girl is fucking infatuating. For years I've struggled to wake up in the morning, now I have something to look forward too.

"You would be a good dad."

I choked, "what?"

"You'd be a good dad," she spits out the toothpaste.

If my daughter looked anything like Bo, I wouldn't want her. Men would fall at her feet and stop at nothing to have her. How would I protect her from men like me? I'd have to be around her twenty-four-seven and I couldn't.

"Do you want to be a dad?"

"I've never thought about it," I answer honestly.

She gargled water before releasing it into the sink. "The idea of carrying a kid in my stomach makes me physically sick. The idea of pregnancy makes me cringe."

"I've never heard a female say that."

"When Chrissy's aunt was pregnant, we went to her baby shower," she recalls. "I was sitting right next to her when I saw a foot poking through her shirt. I threw up everywhere."

I snorted. "No way."

"Seriously," she nods. "No bull, I puked everywhere. She was so mad."

"You're wild."

"Do you want to kiss me?"

Her pale brown eyes looked up at me. I could have caught her plump lips with mine, but not now. It isn't the time. She wouldn't remember and I wouldn't be able to forgive myself.

"All the time."

"Why don't you?"

"Say the words and I will."

Another yawn came through. "Can you carry me to bed?"

"Your wish is my command, princess."

I cradled her body and swooped her off the counter. A fit of giggles fell from her lips. I laid her down on her bed and pulled the covers up to her chin.

"Can you sit with me until I fall asleep?"

I know Miles is waiting outside, but I am not going to say no.

"If that's what you want."

"Have you seen this movie?" She pointed to the TV.

I crawled in next to her. "Not this one."

"When are you coming over again?"

"You want me to?"

"Of course," she chuckles. "Why wouldn't I silly?"

"I'll come whenever you ask."

She laid her head on my shoulder. "Crap, I forgot to take my sleep meds!"

"What do you take sleeping meds for?"

"I have trouble falling asleep," she murmurs. "I can't shut my brain off, I overthink everything."

"Do you want me to get them for you?"

"I don't know," she wipes her eyes. "You seem to work better." 

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