The Town's Bad Boy Wants To Keep You Safe

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My textbooks were sprawled across my lap as I highlighted them. Criminal Justice Class wasn't slowing down. I had to make sure I stayed on top of it. Every day he put out a new assignment on top of our essays. I wasn't going to fall behind.

The phone sitting on my bedside told me it's time to get ready. I promised myself one last chapter. Then I will start attempting to make myself look more presentable.

"Bo!" My door flew open, smacking the wall behind it.

"You ruined my page!" I shriek, looking at Chrissy.

My once perfectly highlighted page now has a thick pink streak through it. "Okay, I'm sorry, but I missed you."

She tossed her bag onto the bed. "I need to talk to my best friend."

"What's going on?"

"For starters, we have a football game to go to, and you look like you've been hibernating for the past week," she pulls out chocolate-covered strawberries. "You do know there's an hour in between now and having to leave?"

"I'm more concerned with my best friend," I stare at her with concern as she shoves the treats in her mouth.

"Tyler and I haven't been talking much lately, and when we do, it always ends in a fight."

Aside from their extra-curricular activities on her parent's dining room table, he's been distant. She's been therapy shopping at Victoria's Secret and recently bought several sets of lingerie, which she showed me and told me to get my own.

My eyes widened when she confessed to having sex with Tyler in the boy's locker rooms before a football game. They would do it before every game because it was a sign of good luck. She read it in a book once, so she says.

It's odd because Luke is on the same football team, and at any point, he could have walked in.

"I don't understand!" She throws up her hands. "I mean, I would fuck me!"

Her beauty is undeniable; her brown hair falls above her shoulders; she has a defined jawline and a cute button nose. Her eyes are a striking blue, and her heart is pure gold. There's just something wrong with the upstairs. Her mom begged her to speak to a counselor, but it turns out nothing is wrong with her, she only has Chrissy syndrome.

"Is he upset about your parents? Or is everything okay between them now?"

"They still hate him," she sighs.

Chrissy's mother couldn't stand Tyler and Derek, her father wanted him dead. During eighth grade, Tyler gave another girl lunch money because she couldn't afford to eat. Chrissy accused him of cheating.

While her parents planned how to murder him, Chrissy locked herself in her room. She gained twenty pounds from eating Hot Cheetos and sucking down Mountain Dew. According to her, it was stress eating.

Ever since the incident, Chrissy's parents have forbidden him to come over. She was in love, and they didn't understand why. They watched their daughter suffer for months afterward to get back her slim, thin, and one-hundred-and-ten figure back.

"Oh, Luke insisted you wear this," she pulled out his jersey.

We wore white hoodies underneath the jerseys to make the maroon pop. Luke's last name is plastered on the back in silver. With my hair loose, the curls covered up most of the lettering.

With the rate Chrissy drove, we'd arrive in less than five minutes. The stadium, however, isn't far from my house, but it doesn't mean she isn't a reckless driver. When we arrived, we raced for the entrance.

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