5 - This is unexpected

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Almost fifteen years had passed since Aziraphale disappeared. Not a day goes by where he doesn't think about the angel, but the demon has finally returned to himself. Or at least as much of himself as he could be without hell and without his angel. I mean really, he and Aziraphale went through so much effort to save the world for this?

As Crowley walked through the frozen town covered in snow, his mind couldn't help but let himself send the most blasphemous thoughts towards the angel. He had never felt an anger so fierce before and certainly never towards his Angel.

Desperately he wanted to hate the angel. But he couldn't. He knew without a doubt that if the blond came back to him, he'd forgive him in an instant and welcome him with open arms. He'd hide the pain that he'd felt for fifteen years and he'd make it seem like nothing was any different without him. He would know that it wouldn't be true, but he would never let the angel know that. He couldn't. His Angel's happiness was far too important. Crowley could suffer the pain silently if it meant that Aziraphale could be happy. As his downward spiral of thoughts filled his head, he flinched as he heard a voice that gave him chills.

"Hello crawly." With widened eyes, he spun around to see beezlebub standing in demonic form with over a dozen demons behind her.

"Lord beezlebub. I assume you're not here for a friendly visit?" The demon replied.

"We may be unable to destroy you by means of holy water, but you still belong to us. You will return to hell." Crowley's mind didn't work fast enough to come up with a snarky response this time. All he could think was that maybe it would be easier to go with them. A true reason to never be able to see his Aziraphale again. But his thoughts became distracted by the pulsing from his wrist. As he looked down at the pin against his arm, glowing brightly and sending a signal to his Angel's ring, all he could do was snort a humourless chuckle.

"Fat lotta good that's gonna be now, huh angel?" One of the demons, holding a long celestial sword, came rushing towards the demon. The impact may not kill him, but it will definitely discorporate him. The demon braced for the impact when a sharp white light pierced through the air, momentarily cutting the Demon's eyes.

"A.. ngel?" Crowley murmured as he waited for his eyes to readjust. Hope rose into his chest as he reached out towards the being in front of him, at least until he heard the words spoken.

"Touch me and I'll cut that hand off." The feminine voice said. Finally Crowley could see again and bore witness to the corporation he had come to know as War, standing in front of him with a single hand blocking the sword that would have pierced him. In an intimidating display of power, War snatched the sword and systematically cut through each and every one of the demons before her, in graceful yet violent movement. At last she reached beezlebub, showing the sword to her throat. Left with no other choice, the demon lord discorporated on the spot, returning to hell. War giggled at the results before speaking aloud:

"Well not my usual crowd, but that was more fun than I thought it would be." She tossed the celestial sword around in the air a few times, like a child with a toy.

"What are you doing here?" Crowley asked. He tried so desperately to sound intimidating but the disappointment in his voice rang through. War turned to face him, cocking an eyebrow and loosely pointing the blade towards him, waving it in time with her words.

"Obviously saving your demonic ass, idiot."

"And what on Earth possessed you to do that?" The demon replied snidely.

"What you'd rather be dead?"

"What concern of it is yours?"

"I didn't chose to be here you know." She answered, rolling her eyes.

"Well you didn't have to be!"

"Yeah, I did, idiot."

"Stop calling me that." He warned.

"Well you are!"

"Oh my Satan, would you stop trying to create conflict for two seconds!" She looked at him like he were an idiot. Which he was starting to believe. "Just tell me why you saved me."

"Like I said, didn't have a choice. Death sent me. None of us can refuse him."

"Why would death want to protect me?"

"How should I know? He rarely speaks, let alone discusses his plans."

"But he told you to come save me?" War shrugged.

"We can't refuse his commands. No matter the reason."

"What exactly was the command?"

"How the fuck do you expect me to remember? It was like fifteen years ago!" This made Crowley freeze in his spot.

"W... What?"

"It was fifteen years ago he gave us the command to protect you." War held out her hand. "We all have this ring that pulses when you're in trouble. And whoever is closer, has to assist." Crowley's widened eyes led his hand to reach out to the ring. "I'll still cut that hand off if you touch me." Crowley retracted his hand. Just at sight, he was certain it was the same as his Angel's ring. A small spark of hope reached up from Crowley's soul. He had a chance to find out what happened. He had a chance to see his angel again. He had a chance to bring his angel back.

Angel Of Death - Crowley X Aziraphale (Finished)Where stories live. Discover now