14 - Epilogue

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The two were sat on the couch of the bookshop that had returned to it's former glory.  Aziraphale reading a book, while Crowley just stared into the flames of the fireplace he had just lit. A strong urge to transform and curl up as a snake in his Love's lap was overwhelming, but for whatever reason, the demon's thoughts went back to the praise Aziraphale had given him back when they were in the pit. Did Aziraphale still think he was beautiful? Did he still feel so strongly about him? Or did Aziraphale wish he were still an angel? Little did he know, Aziraphale had placed his book down and was watching the demon's face fall. He looked at the fire then back at the demon wrapped in a blanket.

"You know if you want to transform, you can use my body warmth to warm you up." The demon looked at Aziraphale surprised.
"Sorry, it's just you look cold and well... I know you tend to warm up faster in your other form."

"No it's alright angel... I was just wondering... well..." The demon felt strange feeling so insecure and if it had been anyone else, he wouldn't care, but this was his angel, and he wanted to bring him all the happiness in the world. "Angel... Do you still think I'm beautiful?" The angel was shocked.

"Crowley! You are the epitome of beauty. Every part of you. Just take a look at yourself! You're gorgeous." Aziraphale took his hands.
"Every inch of you, from these hands that create love to your beautiful eyes," his hand touched the demon's cheek.
"These eyes that show me that my happiness is real." Crowley held his breath.

"But angel... I'm a demon."

"Oh my dear... I wouldn't want you any other way. Or did you forget? You fell so that we could be together. If you were still an angel, we couldn't have this. I'm so sorry that I allowed you to fall. I am. It has torn apart my soul every day since I watched it happen. But no matter how selfish it is, I'm so grateful for it. Because now I can finally be with you. Now I can finally be happy. Now I can finally love you." Crowley pulled his angel against him.

"Then I'm grateful too. I take the fall any day to have your love."

"You have my love my dear, you will always have my love." With a smile, the demons body transformed into his snake-like form. He slithered onto his angel and taking his warmth. The angel smiled as he ran the back of his fingers along the snake's scales. He just shook his head lightly.

"How could you ever think your not beautiful." Crowley was grateful that he was in his other form so that Aziraphale couldn't see the blush that had reached his face. As he curled up on top of Aziraphale both could feel their pure content. Both were happy. Both were at peace. And both were truly and irrevocably in love. And that, that was worth anything.

Angel Of Death - Crowley X Aziraphale (Finished)Where stories live. Discover now