12- Time

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Gabriel miracled light into the pit so that he and his siblings could take a better look at the angel, standing at the bottom. The demon hid in serpent form amongst the rocks of the cavern.

"I will ask you one last time principality Aziraphale," Gabriel spoke in an authoritative tone.
"Who healed your injuries from the lightning strikes?" Aziraphale glared up at the three archangels, staring down at him.

"As I've told you before, I do not know."

"He's an angel, he wouldn't lie," Michael spoke.

"Perhaps we should consider that this is the almighty's doing," Uriel added. His brother's eyes widened. The thought of going against the almighty's will was too frightening for him to consider. And with this thought now playing on his mind, he wasn't willing to risk angering God.

"Fine, Aziraphale you're coming out." He said as the three walked away to retrieve his powers from the core. Turning to face the snake on the side, the angel spoke.

"I want to thank you for saving me. I know I wouldn't be here without you."

"It wasss my pleeeasssure." The demon hissed.

"Will I ever see you again?" Crowley paused, looking straight into the Angel's hopeful eyes.

"You will Aziraphale. I swear it." At that moment, A bright glowing light zoomed towards the angel, nestling inside his body. A sigh of relief escaped his lips.

"Thank you demon," he said, before summoning his two magnificent wings. With two heavy flaps, he took off into the air escaping heaven's very own 'hellhole.' As Crowley watched his beautiful angel fly away, the shadow of death appeared behind him.

"Time's up." Death touched the demons shoulder and with a piercing cry of pain the demon began to fade away. His mind filled with thoughts of his angel. He prayed to all who would listen that Aziraphale would stay safe. That he would be happy and he would learn of love.

"I love you Aziraphale," the demon whispered as his body faded away into nothingness.


Awaking in his warm bed, the angel looked around at the flat he'd learned to call his own. He shook his head, trying to cast the tears from his eyes. He had been dreaming about his time in the lightning pit. He quietly exited the bed and was drawn to the attention of a chair that had not previously been in his room. As he walked over to it, he saw a single red hair on the seat. He fell to his knees at the realization of who had cared for him and had healed his injuries from the night before.

All the horrible words the angel had spoken to the demon ran through his head. His eyes now leaking and the angel had no intention of stopping them. Standing up he violently threw the chair into the wall. He didn't know how to handle his anger at himself. Suddenly footsteps came rushing towards him. The Angel's angry eyes were met by Crowley's, causing them to soften ever so slightly.

"Hey, angel, what are you doing?" The demon hurried to his side, placing a hand on his arm. Aziraphale shrugged him off, backing away.

"What the heaven or hell is even the point of me? I can't protect anyone, I have no holy qualities and all I do is hurt the people I care for the most! I'd be better off just letting Azrael take me!" He quickly covered his mouth, realizing he just revealed death's name. But Crowley didn't even think about it. He just quickly pulled the angel into his arms, holding him tight so he couldn't escape. After everything Crowley had watched transpire in the Angel's past, he could finally understand the angel and his fears.

"My angel, you didn't hurt me. You were protecting me. I know that angel. And that is a holy quality. You are willing to give up your own happiness so I can be safe."

"I'm so sorry Crowley. I didn't mean it. I didn't mean what I said. What I did... I just.... I didn't..."

"Shhhh shh. I know angel. And I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have said what I did either. I was just afraid of losing you." The demon nuzzled his face into the crook of Aziraphale's neck.
"I love you Aziraphale, and I don't want to be without you." Aziraphale's eyes widened before slamming shut. He put all the strength he could muster into gripping as tightly as he could onto his demon.

"I love you too Crowley!" He said with a broken voice. Then he chuckled a little. Crowley pulled slightly away.
"I guess that demon was right." He muttered

"What demon?"

"Remember I told you the story about the demon who saved my life?" Crowley tensed, he had only just returned from that time this morning.
"He told me I'd find happiness. He was right." Crowley's eyebrows furrowed.

"Aziraphale, that angel you were trying to save, can you remember him?" Aziraphale looked down and shook his head.

"No, Uriel took the memories of his face from me so that I could never seek him out. The only thing I know about him is his old name and his holy power." The demon ran his hands gently up and down the Angel's arms

"Would you want to know who he was?"

"For a long time I did. I took something from him that I wanted to return. And though I still do wish to return it to him, I fear that after all this time, he may choose to destroy what I stole. And even if it does rightfully belong to him, I don't think I could stand that. I've grown so used to it, that I think it's destruction might just kill me."

"Angel, what was it that you took." Aziraphale smiled sadly at his demon.

"I'm sorry Crowley. I trust you with all my being, but I swore to myself that I'd never let another being discover his creation until the moment I found him." Crowley wasn't sure how to feel. On the one hand, he felt a little distrusted, but on the other, he felt glad that whatever it was that he had created during his life in heaven was being protected by the person he loved the most.
"But you know something..." The angel spoke, interrupting his thoughts.
"Even though it was never intended for me to have... Just feeling it, It makes me grateful to be alive. It's one of the few things in my life that makes me want to keep fighting." And that's when Crowley knew, that no matter what it was, whatever his creation had been, he would always allow it to be his Angel's.

Angel Of Death - Crowley X Aziraphale (Finished)Where stories live. Discover now