13 - Love

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The two stayed side by side, sitting on the floor. Not talking. Not moving. Just living. Both were happy in each other's presence, at least until death appeared into the room.  Both angel and demon immediately stood up.

"You have failed to complete your task Aziraphale. No soul has been taken in twenty-four hours. The balance must be restored."

"Please Azrael, there must be some other way to pay the debt."

"What is the debt?" Aziraphale looked down.

"Your life." Carefully his eyes crawled up to the demon's.
"After the forest fire. When you got hurt."  Crowley's eyes widened in shock. His angel had given up his entire life that he loved, to prevent death from taking his soul.

"You know the rules Aziraphale. An eternity of servitude, for an eternity of protection." Death raised an eyebrow at the demon. Aziraphale sighed and Crowley knew he had given up, but the demon sure as hell hadn't.

"No, I don't accept. Aziraphale and I will both have the happiness I promised him."

"Promised..?" Aziraphale whispered aloud. Only one person had ever promised him happiness. The Angel's eyes were stuck to Crowley's back. It wasn't possible was it? The demon could feel the glare on him. Thinking over what he said, he realized his mistake. "Crowley... W... Were you...?" The angel couldn't finish the question. The demon knew he'd been found out. Letting himself sigh, he allowed his eyes to change color before meeting Aziraphale's gaze. The angel gasped. His demon's eyes were a bright glowing red. 
"It was you!" Fresh tears fell from the Angel's eyes.
"All this time, and it was you?"

"Actually angel..."  His eyes adjusted back to their brilliant gold.
"It hasn't been very long for me." Crowley played with his fingers.
"I only got back this morning." The angel was speechless.
"And there's something else you should know. I'm..."

"Admael?" It was barely a whisper. Crowley nodded, looking down, not sure how the angel would react. But unexpectedly, Aziraphale threw himself into Crowley, clinging to his body.

"I'm so so sorry. This is all my fault." Crowley tightly held his angel. His fingers brushing through the hair at the top of the angel's neck.

"I meant what I said. I am so grateful that I got to fall. I found you because of it. And nothing in the universe could make me happier."

"Thank you my dear. Thank you for everything." The angel pulled away, smiling at his demon.
"If it's alright with you, I'd like to use what I took from you." The demon nodded with no hesitation. He then approached Azrael.
"Azrael, everything in the universe starts and ends with you. I know what it is you truly desire. To return to your brother. To pay the debt, I am willing to give this to you. I know you're aware of what I took, so you know I can provide it. Do we have a deal?" Azrael nodded quickly with tears in her eyes. Aziraphale smiled a warm orange glow lit up his body as he touched the girl's shoulder. Azrael disappeared, looking happier than he ever remembered seeing her.  After a moment the glow faded and Aziraphale stumbled a little, being caught by the demon.

"How you ever did this in a daily basis is beyond me." The angel said exhaustedly. He smiled at the demon.

"It takes a lot of practice." The demon replied with concern, rubbing the Angel's back.

"I suppose it's time to return this to you." Aziraphale reached up to Crowley's neck and pulled him down. His lips landed on the demon's, and although neither could see it, the warm glow magnified from the angel towards the demon, who all of a sudden understood. He pulled away, looking at his angel.

"My greatest creation was..."

"Love, my dear. You're greatest creation, was the creation of love." He brushed the demon's cheek.
"There was nobody else as pure as you, who could create something so perfect." Tears were stinging at the demon's eyes as he felt how strong this love was.

"It's yours Aziraphale. This creation. It belongs to you. My love... All of it, it's yours" Aziraphale's hands wrapped behind the demon's neck. Their kiss lasted longer than either was prepared to count. All they knew is they never wanted it to end. Falling down onto the bed, as their mouths intertwined, the two searched each other's bodies lovingly. Crowley's greatest creation mingling between the two, glowing bright oranges and blues.


"Don't leave me again angel. Stay with me." The Angel pushed himself further against his demon.

"I swear to you Crowley, I'm yours. Always and eternally, I'm yours. And I'll never ever leave you." The Angel swore, both to himself and to his demon.
"You're my everything." At those words, his demon was determined to take his precious angel into a blissful heaven of his own creation. And the angel in that moment as he always would be was ready to give his all to the demon. Their love was ready to take on all of heaven and hell. And they knew their love would always win. For their love was stronger than any creations before it and would be stronger than any that would follow it.

"I love you my angel. I love you always."

Angel Of Death - Crowley X Aziraphale (Finished)Where stories live. Discover now