1- Fire

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~ France, 1848 ~

The musky smell of the trees were hypnotizing and serene and the soft rustle of leaves flying off to foreign lands had filled the air. And a darkness burnt by the warm impending light would have been a romantic dance to the angel if he weren't hurrying through the forest desperately searching for that damned snake. Crowley had told Aziraphale that he planned on hiding out here while his powers recuperated but the Angel had no idea he meant in the middle of the forest in serpent form. If Crowley were absorbing hell's power, he'd have no idea about the approaching threat and in his other form, he'd be defenseless.

"Crowley! Where are you!" The angel cried. The flames following the angel were making it difficult for even he to breathe. He could feel the demon's energy nearby. Finally, seeing the long snake-like body on the ground, the angel rushed over, praying that it wasn't too late. A hand floated millimeters above the snake and a breath left the angel as he could feel the demon's life still inside him. Bundling the snake into his arms, his white wings shot open catching some stray embers which burnt his left wing. The angel exhaled in pain but flew up into the air, carrying the demon. The fire wouldn't have harmed the demon normally, but when he went to restore his power, he was completely defenseless. He had no power to protect him until he finished. And in snake form, he was at an even greater risk.

"Oh dear," Aziraphale muttered as he put the snake onto the bed of the hotel room he had rented for the night. The snake was covered in ash and was struggling to breathe properly. As the angel gently took a damp rag to the snake, he noticed cuts and blood also dotting the snakes body. Aziraphale tried to miracle the injuries away, knowing that it was useless. The Angel's power couldn't be absorbed by the demon while hell's power was flowing into him. It was how hell prevented angels from purifying demons. Worry coursed through the Angel's veins.

"Hello Aziraphale." Aziraphale jumped up turning to meet the being behind him.

"Az.... Hello death." The angel spoke. "It's been a long time. Are you here for Crowley?"

"I am."

"Can I convince you to leave him?"

"You know the rules of death Aziraphale. You were there the day they were created. His soul is to come with me and his body to perish." The Angel's wings reopened hiding the demon from death's view.

"I'm sorry, but I must insist."

"Are you willing to pay the price Aziraphale? You know the price to be paid for saving a soul."

"I do. And I will pay it gladly." He spoke confidently. Death looked into the Angel's eyes. The angel was not prepared to back down. He would maintain his friend's safety.

"Very well Aziraphale. Only for you shall I do this. The next time we meet however, the debt must be paid."

" I understand." With that, death vanished into a dark puff of smoke. Aziraphale looked to his wing that was covered in burn marks. He sighed, trying to miracle the pain away, but it wouldn't work. Aziraphale rolled his eyes.

"Of course... Hellfire." Aziraphale grabbed the rag and bucket of cool water before sitting in the chair on the other side of the room. He tried to cool the burns on his wings, but he just couldn't bend his wing enough to clean the back. Aziraphale growled in frustration and in pain.

"Aziraphale?" The angel looked over to the bed where the serpent transformed into his demon form. Crowley looked confused as he searched around the room. "What... What happened?"

"You decided it was a good idea to hibernate in the middle of a forest fire, with no protection!" The angel snapped at him. He winced again as he tried again to clean the burns but his wing instinctively yanked away in pain. Crowley looked upset by the Angel's state.

"C... Can't you miracle it away?" The demon said quietly.

"You should miracle away your own injuries." The demon looked down at his blistered and burnt body. With a hand running over them, the wounds disappeared.

"Hellfire." The demon muttered before looking at his angel with wide eyes. He stood up and hurried over to the angel. "You walked into hellfire for me?" Aziraphale looked up at the demon, not sure how to answer, before lightly nodding. Gently, Crowley took the rag from the Angel's hand and walked behind him. Kneeling down, he gently held onto the wing while his other hand lightly dabbed at the injuries. The angel tensed and hissed in pain.

"Sorry angel," he muttered quietly. He was grateful that the angel had saved his life, but he hated the idea of the angel being in pain because of him. Crowley's guilt was eating away at his chest. He had placed his angel in danger. Sure he hadn't meant to. But he knew he'd be weak while he recouperated. And what he should have known was that his angel would always save him. Just like he did this evening. But even knowing that, he hadn't expected the angel to brave hellfire to save him.
Once the wounds had been cleaned, Crowley dumped the rag into the bucket and ever so softly, ran his hands over the beautiful white wing.

"That's about the best I can do."

"Thank you Crowley." The demon walked around, crouching in front with his hands gently resting on the Angel's knees.

"No angel, I should thank you. I was reckless and put both of us in danger because of it. I'm sorry, and thank you." Aziraphale smiled, still looking weak.

"Just promise me next time you're planning on recuperating, you'll come to me so I can look after you."

"I promise. Now shall we go for dinner?" The Angel's smile widened at the promise of food.

"That sounds delightful."

Angel Of Death - Crowley X Aziraphale (Finished)Where stories live. Discover now