4 - Trying

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It had been months. The demon had completely fallen apart. Only a few days after his Angel's disappearance, did he purchase the bookshop and turned it into his temporary home. He wanted to be somewhere where his angel could find him again. But without the Angel's holy aura filling the bookshop, a sense of darkness was slowly washing through. He was desperately searching through the days to find Aziraphale. Crowley never thought that he'd be so broken by the Angel's disappearance. After all, they'd spent this long away from each other before. Crowley moaned. But they hadn't been away from each other for more than a month or two since the mid 1800s.

"Come on angel!" The demon drunkenly moaned. "This isn't funny anymore! I already apologized, you can come back now!" Crowley rolled his eyes. "Damn fool's probably dead." He muttered. Then his eyes widened. "Dead...." Crowley stumbled to his feet, almost falling over in his haste. Once he regained his balance, he sobered up leaving a disgusting aftertaste in his mouth. Using his long boney finger with a burning glow on the end of it, Crowley drew several symbols into the bookshops floorboards. Waving his hands and symbols began to glow. Crowley was dreading what would happen but tried to remain brave anyway. A flash of light filled the room before seeming to darken more than it had previously been. Crowley stumbled back a step before looking towards the dark figure he had summoned. He stood in the middle of the circle of symbols with a dark cloak that covered his whole body and etched his face in darkness.

"Death..." He hissed.

"Why have you summoned me demon?" The inhuman voice demanded.

"Did you take Aziraphale?" The demon asked failing to make his voice come across as powerful over his fear. Death remained silent, observing the demon. "You did, didn't you, you bastard! Look at this place, his home! Slowly filling up with my demonic energy without him filling it with light! Don't you feel any remorse you stupid, damn..."

"CALM YOURSELF DEMON!" Death bellowed. "The angel Aziraphale did not come with me. You would however, be best forgetting you ever met the principality." Crowley scoffed.

"Well that's not gonna happen! Tell me where he is! If he didn't go with you then why can't I sense his energy anywhere? You're lying! You took him! Or if you didn't, you at least know where he is!"

"The principality has willingly chosen to leave this place and to forget about you, demon Crowley. Do yourself a favor and forget about the angel."

"No, he wouldn't. He wouldn't have abandoned me here! If he was willingly going to leave, he would've told me! He would've..." That's when he demon truly understood. He had willingly left. That's why Aziraphale was acting so strange that night. He knew he was leaving. And for whatever reason, he didn't want Crowley to know why.

"Aziraphale shall not return to this place. And you demon Crowley are not to summon me again!" With a furious snap of his fingers, death was gone. Crowley fell to the ground.

"Are you really not coming back to me angel?" He whispered lightly. Aziraphale himself, found himself also thinking about his precious demon. But he knew that he had to leave to protect Crowley. Even if he himself faced a torture that was worse than anything he could have imagined. He considered going back on his deal several times with how much pain he constantly found himself in. But everytime he thought about it, he let his weakened powers reach out to feel Crowley's energy, and everytime he did, he felt strong enough to keep going. It didn't stop his heart from shattering, but he took comfort knowing that Crowley would be safe, and prayed that one day, he'd find happiness again.

Angel Of Death - Crowley X Aziraphale (Finished)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ