10 - A Demon

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The angel wasn't sure how long he had been unconscious when he awoke, but he knew he felt surprisingly well for someone who had been hit by several strikes of lightning. Tensing, he could feel Gabriel's presence at the top of the pit.

"You should not be so well Aziraphale," Gabriel spoke. "Who healed you?"

"Gabriel tell me you didn't let him fall!" Aziraphale exclaimed, ignoring the archangel's question.

"Admael was thrown into the sulfur lake this morning." Gabriel informed. Aziraphale let out a single sob. "Now who healed you?"

"Nobody." Aziraphale lied. Gabriel huffed and footsteps could be heard moving away. The angel sat down with his back against the wall. "Don't worry about hiding, demon, the other angel's are all too scared to come down here, they won't see you."

"You knew I was here?"

"Mm, and in the judgement room as well."

"But how?"

"I'm a bit more sensitive to other's energies than my bretherin." The angel replied.

"I'm not going to hurt you," Crowley soothed, not wanting to frighten the angel.

"Honestly, I don't think I'd care if you did. I'd rather not face three hundred years in this hellhole." Not that the angel could see, but the demon mockingly raised an eyebrow and tried not to smirk.

"Did you just call a place in heaven a hell hole?" The angel's eyes slightly widened and a gasp of a chuckle left his mouth.

"I guess so." The angel looked towards where he could feel the demon's presence. "I want to thank you for healing me."

"Don't worry about it." Crowley seemed a little shook. Although he and his angel were used to casual conversation, in this time, a demon and angel even talking was unheard of. The angel sighed.

"It's a shame it's come to this..." The angel muttered.

"Come to what?"

"Gabriel descending Innocents."

"You seem so sure that angel was innocent," Crowley said, sitting with his back against the rock wall. The angel looked as though he were glancing into some invisible distance.

"Because he was. Lucifer was just using him to get to something else."

"How do you know that?"

"I was there. I followed him. Something seemed wrong with him. I could see it on his face. When I saw him with Lucifer I realised what that damned demon wanted... Admael... He... He tried so hard. But his holy power was never meant to be used for something like that. He was never meant to use his powers to fight. He just couldn't hold off lucifer's power. The temptation had already been cast before I could do anything. Admael revealed the great plan to him. But... He should never have gotten caught up in this stupid, futile war!" Aziraphale yelled with shaking anger in his voice.

"War?" Crowley asked confused. "What war? Heaven and hell aren't currently at war." Aziraphale scoffed.

"If only it was just heaven and hell. At least then there might be some merit behind it. No this stupid war is between Lucifer and the archangels."

"Why?" Aziraphale sighed before responding.

"Lucifer chose to descend on his own. After what the almighty did to Azrael, he thought that the almighty was being too cruel... And you know I agreed... I almost went with him. Lucifer was my friend after all. And Azrael. But Gabriel hates the fact that Lucifer betrayed heaven." Crowley was gobsmacked.

Angel Of Death - Crowley X Aziraphale (Finished)Where stories live. Discover now