Meanie Marines

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Toby and Luffy, who was carrying you cause you fell asleep in the boat, look around the town and home of the marines;The place Toby wants to be.

"O-Oh man I can't believe I'm actually here!" Toby fangirls before panicking "Waite!What if they don't want me Luffy?!What if they look back and check my-?!?!"

Luffy slams his fist on Toby's head, causing him to double down and curled up in pain.

"Why you do that for?!"

"Cause I want to."

Toby huffed, getting slightly angry at Luffy "But just think of it!They might not let me in-!"

"That's not my problem." Toby shuts up, shock even "My goal is to get my crew together, sail the seas, and become the pirate king!"

Everyone around, selling stuff from the stands or just chatting and hanging out, back up and yelp in pure fear once Luffy said what his goals were.This caused both boys to get rather nervous and confuse at the sudden change of atmosphere.

"Luffy!You can't just say that stuff in public!Your going to yourself in trouble!"

Luffy really didn't listen, feeling your little arms wrap around his neck lightly, but questions Toby "So?That's what I wanna do.But where are we supposed to go?"

"To the marine base of course!" Toby points it out, then continues excitingly  "I really want to go and see the amazing marine of all time!The marine admiral Gutsling-!!"

The same thing that happened earlier happened again, but it was not pirate talk, as everyone gasp and back up inyo the walls or homes in more fear then normal.

"W-What?But I was only talking about the marines.."

Luffy didn't say anything as you woke up from your nap, your tired (E/C) eyes meeting his, before looking around.

Luffy pats your head, ruffling your (H/C) into a mess "Morning sleepy head!We made it!"

You look at him a little longer before stuffing your face in the crook of his neck, closing your eyes again.Luffy didn't push you off but let you sleep there for a little longer.

Luffy soon sees the wall surrounding the marine base "Guess we are here." as Toby was telling Luffy about the dangerous swords man name Zoro Ronona before he climbs up it, soon see a guy on a cross "Huh?Who he??"

Toby soon climbs up, almost fallen as he saw the beaten up man "T-That's Zoro!"

As the two talk you hear pitter patters of feet approach you guys, looking down you see a little girl your age.Watching her she climbs up, notice you stareing, then ran to the man tied up.

"H-HEY!Come back or-!!"

Toby didn't have time to say anything else as you climb off Luffy, over the wall, then run up to the little girl who was now offering Zoro some homemade riceballs she made.

Toby looks at Luffy "Luffy!Tell her to come back-.." the look in Luffy's eyes didn't read anything but focus on what's happening.

He was watching out from afar for (Y/N) and the little girl, waiting till he needs to jump in.

"I don't need it."

You look him over, seeing some red flag like signs "But you do though.."

The girl next to you offers him a riceball again but before she could the gates open to show two marine guard and a snobby looking man in the middle of the two.By just the looks of him you immediately hate his guts.

"Two little girls trespassing on marine private property?How bold yet stupid you two are!" Oh wow, is it you or does he sound like one of those girls from the Heathers??

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