Optical Delusion

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"Didn't expect the Kuro Neko Pirates to be all so sadly beaten by a few twerps, I expected you all to be stronger then this.." Kuro held such a cold aura that sent his own crew in deepest fear of him, not long did he roar out his rage at his second in command "ISN'T THAT RIGHT JANGO?!?"

Jango felt as if one word escape his mouth, one that so displeased his captain, he will be killed on spot.

"Captain Kuro...we...uh.." It didn't help, for god sake, Jango himself was terrified "..You said we should l-let the kid go...right?

Zoro groans, seemingly ignoring the two bicker, fixing himself into a better fighting position.He was useless without his swords.These cat themed men are alone will surely out beat him with just one sword.But the moment he stood up properly he glanced Nami's way, in hope she was near his beloved weapons of choice, only to result in him grinning his teeth in infrared rage.

He didn't want anyone to get hurt here, yet here now, ha...this moment once he saw your form on the floor, clenching your shoulder in pain, that set him off completely.

Your the youngest of this crew, and to see this happen?Someone is gonna die today.

"You think we are useless?" The skinny Nyaban Brother questions, not long the fat bigger Nyaban Brother pipes in, pissed off at his own captain "How could you say that?!We waited in the shadows for you over 3 long years!3 MISERABLE YEARS!!"

Kuro didn't flinch as the two leap at his way "YOUR THE ONE THAT'S USELESS!WE'LL SHOW YOU--!" and like that Kuro vanished out of thin air..


"Eh..?Where did captain go-?"

"You two think you could beat me?How cute."Both turn to find him, cat like weapons out, behind the two "What?Cat got your tongue??"

And like that they did...only to be trapped at death's door by their own captain, claw like blades at their throats, taunting the idiots to no end.

"I spent those three long years earning this stupid idiotic villagers trust and endured various pathetic long term labor, but my goal of my objective still stands..." Kuro held the blade closer to their jugglers, knowing one deep poke would kill the two, yet still continued on "...I faked my own death so that I could restart a second life.But now?Now it's time for the captain of the Neko Pirates to come back...right boys?"

"The hell is that technique..?"

"That is his famous 'Silent Step' technique...He could be around 50 assassins without anyone of us there, he could kill them all silently in the quickest way possible by himself.." Jango gulped, explaining more "...we can not escape him..there was no way to escape Captain Kuro..ever.."

"It seems I have been too generous with you all." Both boys wince in pain as the tip of the blade pokes their neck, yet still alive, he continues "I am only a 'client' to this plan!And to be successful this plan must go through successfully!"

Jango didn't dare turn around but Nami was inching closer to the swords, determined to get them to Zoro in time, yet too was worried for your well being.Afterall, it was supposed to be her in pain.Not a small child like you..

"I will give you all 5 minutes.." releasing the two, he continues with a single hint of emotion "..to kill them off or else I will kill you all myself!"

Usopp groans in anger "Your kidding me?!We had this guy in our village secretly for 3 years?!?"

Your hand was covered in blood.So much blood.Feeling more loopy then pain you look up just in mere time to notice something was wrong with your eyes...it was all in color but your seeing transparent actions of Nami, yes she was still on the ground, slowly bolting for Zoro's swords not long kicking it towards a transparent Zoro.Rubbing your eyes you see that Zoro's swords still layed abandoned on the floor and Zoro still there watching the enemy...what in the world is happening to your eyes??

"WE CAN KILL HIM IN FIVE SECONDS!"Both brothers charge at Zoro, very deeply positive "WE CAN BEAT HIM!HE IS THE ONLY ONE IN OUR WAY--!"


Like you just foreseen, Nami took action and kicked it towards Zoro.Now he was more pissed off.At Nami that is..


Nami chuckles lightly "So don't you know how to repay me?"

Zoro huffs "Damn woman" not long pulls out his three swords, grinning in excitement "Game on."

"You may have your precious swords!"Sham shouts, not long Bulmi finish it off "We will kill you off with one slash of our claws!!"

Zoro chuckles, sword in his mouth, grinning at the two idiots "Clearly you two don't know my 'Three swords' to my 'Three Sword Style'."

That didn't stop them, they were determined to kill him.

So Zoro made his move..


That move sent everyone quiet and in unbelievable shock.The two strongest crew members of Neko Pirates, the unbeaten, were sent crumbling to the floor dead cold.Nami, Ussop, and you were too shock at the mere strength that Zoro had.By one long quick slash of three sharpe swords.

"Don't worry, I'll kill ALL of you!" Zoro shouts, grinning more as his pride grew, swords pointing dead at his enemy "In 5 minutes!!Without a exception!!!"

Kuro didn't seem fazed by it rather he encouraged Zoro, pushing up his glasses without a single hesitation "Let's see you try."

Then it happened again.Ignoring what is occuring in that moment of time you pay close attention to the illusion happening before you.The weird visual ghost like actions of Nami was seen.Confuse you watch as Jango, weird hypnosis man, throws a weapon at Nami.No sound was heard but you watch close as Nami runs and attempts to wake up Luffy by stomping on his head.Not even noticing the weapon that drew dangerously close to her...

"What's wrong with my eyes--?"

Right before you could rub your eyes out your eye socket it happens.What you payed close attention to happens exactly like you forseen.

Jango, just now noticed Nami running away, throws his hypnosis weapon at her "And where do you think your going?"

Zoro, busy with a hypnosis Bulmi, noticed what Nami was doing "YOU IDIOT!" yet he could not help her, no, he had to help himself from this mad beast before him.

"WAKE.." Nami stomps on Luffy's face, hard, ready to do it again "..UP!!"

Nami didn't care but before she could do it again Zoro shouts out her name.Turning around she was face-to-face with death...

Ussop gasp "That's a blade!..Not an ordinary hypnosis object!!"

That exact moment Luffy woke up, pissed off, soon shouting at Nami.


Instead of you taking the hit you all watch Luffy get hit with the duel blade.

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