Clown Nose

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Everything happened so fasted.The man on the lion told it to kill Luffy but with you standing there trying to help him out you had no clue till your litteraly thrown into the air passed Nami and the mayor, by Luffy, before being caught in Zoro's arms.The little bits of air you had in your lungs left once Luffy almost got crushed by the lion, but then - as your taken away with Zoro somewhere else - you see the lion flung Luffy into the air but nothing after that once Zoro went around the corner.

Zoro abruptly stumbled down, almost dropping you in the process, but seem to catch his breath "Listen here.You stay hidden till me or that idiot gets you alright?" it wasn't a question, it was a demand, soon he was leaving you alone while tying on his bandana. doubts you be following him, that bandana means serious business.

Why miss this one?

Waiting till he was far away you follow him immediately from behind, snooping around corners of each building, but once you get there you see Nami peeking around the corner.Almost like she was a weirdo.

"Nami?What you dwoing?"

The moment she heard her name she screeched so loud but stops herself with her hands, looks down to see your small confuzzled form, then let's out a breath of pure relief.

"D-Don't do that!" She pouts dramatically, poking your head roughly "I almost kicked your ass thinking you were that clones pirate!"

Giggling you pat her arm "But I am a pirate silly!Oh!Have you seen Zoro anywhere I'm looking for him-!"

"Looks like we have some spies hehe.~" Nami held you close to her as a pirate found you two, alcohol seems to radiate of him, his sword held towards you two "Two girls?Hmm...what are you two doing at a place like *hic* this?~"

Nami was disgusted "Are you saying that me and my daughter can't go and take a walk together?Is that what I'm hearing sir?"

Not knowing why she claimed you as her kid you hear some kind of sword fight happening not so far from the two of you, it intrigues and tuggs at you due to knowing Zoro had three swords and the fact that could be him right now.

The glass that used to be full of beer hit the floor, soon you see something in his eyes but it seems to make Nami pull you behind her quickly "How about we *hic* make a deal?~"

Nami was not interested, but answered "And that is?"

"Give me the girl.~"

Nami froze, her eyes widen in shock and utter disgust "..what?.."

"Just give me your kid and.." the smirk was so sickening it made you feels so uncomfortable around this guy, Nami feeling the same "'ll be free-!"

Nami did the most reasonable thing to do, and that was to let you go once close to him.Before you felt betrayed the grip the pirate had on you left as he feel to the floor, this crimson color pooling around his wound.And the cause of it?The red sword that Nami drops before leaving you behind, not even looking back at all.


This voice was Luffy, so he was okay!Great!But why was he screaming out Zoro's name??

Waving by to the bleeding man, who seems to be asleep now, you ran to only be grabbed by someone before being lifted up in the air ever so easily;It wasn't Luffy, it was that clown dressed as a pirate..

"Hm?Who is this kid-?"


Even though Buggy was mad as hell while his crew were jaw slack frighteningly shock you still smiled at seeing Luffy, waving at him cutely without a care at the moment, before noticing Zoro in the background asleep.Simply snoring away loudly.

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