Sea Sick

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This took longer then it needs to be but enjoy!!


Nami was the one you find yourself being awakened to. She had a bowl of soup and toast on a plate, a frown on her face as she noticed your runny nose and red face, set it aside just to fix up the wet cold towel set on your forehead. Unknown to you it seems the whole group found out your sick, a heavy fever too...

"You're going to have to eat this." She was gentle with you, as your confused on why you feel so weak, just to prompt you up in a good sitting position to eat "It seems whatever you have isn't that bad, I'm not a doctor, but maybe rest and food will help you."

The food was a bowl of warm soup. Now as much as anyone who loves soup the moment Venom saw the spoonful of goodness coming to feed your weaken form, he completely took control. It shocked both of you for your body wasn't in your control no more, Nami frustrated and dead-on shock of your unexpected actions, a harsh slap sent the bowl flying out the window of your bed ridden room. Nami didn't know what to say.

At this point of time, right as your about to apologize for your friends sudden actions, until Luffy comes running in. A big eager smile on his face too soon picks the ill child up and waltzes into an unknown place...a boat like restaurant?

Just how long have you been out for exactly??

Just as you felt like dozing off again Zoro comes around and pokes your nose rather harshly "Oi. Wake up sleepyhead." not long after takes the sleepy child into his arms, Luffy pouting because he only held you for a few seconds, soon forcing you to stay awake and order something off this restaurant strange fancy menu.

"A seafood restaurant? Kid, tell the waiter we need it to come alive then dead!"

If Zoro did not have a hold of you a hard punch to the stomach would have happened. Venom knew too so he laughed at your misery.

Nami then came storming in, mad at Luffy only he was nowhere to be seen, yet finds the table you three sat at. She grumbled to which calms down due to her own hunger. Everyone was hungry so to be here at a restaurant in the middle of nowhere is too good of a miracle to pass up. At some point everyone knew what they wanted from the menu.


The green moss head glance down at the small ill child, the look of helplessness within your (E/C) orbs clear as day "Hm? What is it now?"

Your response was to give him your menu. Confuse as hell he just stared at you with the most dumbest straight forward look he can ever must in his lifetime. Seeing this yourself you avoid his lingering eyes out of embarrassment. The swordsman took a long second to process this whole situation.

Then it clicked.

" can't read can you brat?"

Both Usopp and Nami attention was on you now. Not a response came back..

The moss head swordsmen sighs "God dammit." he looks around to see if any waiter would come to their table. 

He doesn't see a kid menu so obviously this restaurant is adults only zone. If he did see the kid menu, the moment the waiter gets here this man will get your order in first before anyone else can. He doesn't care if he gets scold at. He was making sure you were getting the proper nutrients you need in order to grow and develop properly.

Nami turns in time to notice Luffy, freshly walking out the kitchen from getting scold at by one of the main cooks, a devilish smirk on her face, waving him over "HEY!"

Luffy perks up only to see each member of his crew at a table, eating without him too..

"Hi, chore boy."

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