Raw Energy

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It's the fact you ate your food, like a starving animal, only however still feel weak. You felt like you were actually dyeing.

"Forgive the commotion. A fruit macedoine, with my compliments." Sanji was fuming in love with Nami, blessing her with the top food on the entire menu "And grand marnier as a digestive, my princess."

Nami loves it, the food looks amazing "Oooh!Thank you!"

Usopp was upset, no food presented to him either "Hey!Don't we get any?!That's discrimination!!I'll sue!!"

You didn't like fights, Zoro paying more attention than Luffy, gives you his mug to sip from. Inside it was beer. You didn't know what beer was so you drink it, his attention on you till pulling it away. It was almost gone by the time he took the last few sips. No one at the table noticed what happened, just you and Zoro.

"I gave you tea didn't I?You should be grateful, you mangy octopus!!"

"You wanna fight? I'm not gonna take that from you!!Get him Zoro!!"

Zoro didn't. He wasn't having it for he was enjoying the peace at the table. Nami kind enough to share her food with you unlike Luffy. He was upset so you gave him your tea.Apparently he loves tea.

"You haven't even cleared my plate!"

Sanji looks down at it, smoking away "There are mushrooms on it. Eat them!!"

Usopp got up into Sanji's face, angry more then ever "I don't like mushrooms!I ate a poison mushroom once when I was a kid!"

"Well those aren't poisonous. so eat every bite long nose!!"

Nami grew tired of the arguing, like everyone else at the table, she ends it "Oh, please don't fight over me!"

Immediately Sanji stops "As you wish.<3"

Usopp was in pure rage "WHO WAS FIGHTING OVER YOU?!" yet no one answered him, he was simply ignored.

Nami holds Sanji's face in her hands, continuing to be innocent and cute "Um, chef dear?"

"Yes, my sweet?<3" 

She knows she will get her way, this man was head over heels for her "This gourmet fare is a tad pricey."

Sanji did not hesitate, he was a true ladies man "For you it's free!<3" Nami was so happy her plan went well she hugged the cook, very happy she doesn't need to pay at all.

Sanji snaps out of it just to snap at Usopp, an irk mark on his forehead "Pay up dumbass!"

"I'm getting sick of this shit. When are you going to listen to what I say? Don't you even realize the more you resist the more closer to death you are?"

The numbing feeling from the alcohol clouded your senses. Venom at this point realized that Zoro let you consume too much alcohol.And the fact your a clueless child, you don't realize how bad it is for a kid to drink adult stuff.

Grumbling to himself he took control of the situation; He was going to make you eat something alive.Now.

The group of pirates paid little attention to the small child. So by this, being controlled by Venom himself, force the child to run after Sanji. He believed that back there will be fully alive sea creatures ranging from lobsters to clams. Mostly fish.  Sanji did not pay attention to the small drunken child as he tends to other customers who are in fact more women. 

Venom rolls his eyes, entering the kitchen "Pervert-."

Instead of opening the door for himself it was slammed open by one of the chiefs inside. The impact of the door to your face sent you flying in the doors leading outside. Luckily right as you were about to fall into the water below Venom inky black goo attached itself to the ship. Within seconds sets themselves on a nice window sill.

"Dammit!That hurts!!" He cries, well you too, rubbing your now rather fully swollen nose cruseing more "I need to fucking eat!What the hell should I eat?!"

Venom stops. He looks downward at the blue ocean depths.

Smiling he prepares himself "Food here I come!" and like that he forced you to cannon ball into the east blue. Knowing that doing this will kill you both, however he straps you two to one of his limbs, ready to pull back up for air at any time needed.

And he found food.

He made you eat a tiger shark; Bones and all.

Satisfied he pulls you to back up to the ship deck, rubbing your tummy for how full it was, soon waddling back to the Going Merry. If you ate more live animals it would be easier for you to do more things then sleep. Once in your bed Venom finally lets you take the wheel. Both going to sleep.

However, there is one problem.

The moment the child awakens from their nap. Feeling better and more capable to do many things at once, walk out to the ship deck to find themselves somewhere new. No sea food restaurant in sight. Just an island unknown to them.

"Well shit."

And for once, you couldn't agree more...

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2023 ⏰

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