Hypnosis Man

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Nami, who manages to wake up Zoro by some odd miracle, still remains in the same spot.Waiting for the return of Luffy and Usopp.However it was not by a few minutes...it was for hours.

"So like..?" Ned nervously got close, seeing that the littlest and youngest pirate was still knocked out, soon gulps "I-Is she...your l-little sister or s-s-something..??"

Zoro didn't really say jack shit to the boy, like if he cares to answer such a dumb question like that, yet in response his actions spoke more then his own snarky words.Since your out he seems to switch your sleeping position from leaning back first into his chest to a bridal style position, only for your on his lap and in dream land at the moment, not long once satisfied wraps his arms over your form lazily as if it was a blanket.Your head against his chest snoozing away happily as he gives the boy a threatening cold 'Back.Off.' glare.It works once again.

Nami sighs "Zoro, stop scaring away these boys!"

"I'm just not a fan of children." He growls, once a while glancing down to see if your okay, then scoffs at Nami with a tilt of his head "Besides that, aren't you just using us to get around?"

At that moment Nami never dared spoke another word...

Sadly it didn't last due to Usopp, looking dead on horrified, runs pass all y'all.Hell.He didn't stop running as Nami or Zoro questions him on where Luffy is.He kept on running, screaming his famous quote, right through the village..

The moment he was gone you look up to Zoro, who was hella confuse at the moment, not long rub your eyes saying a soft "..Did I miss out on something..?"

"Other then that idiot not really." Nami chimes, not long till Zoro agrees.


The moment you were about to get up and stretch was the exact moment arms swept under your awaken form.Confuse by this you look up to the moss haired male who let's out a loud tched "Your not walking idiot." before Nami and him head off to find a missing Luffy.

-Time skip to after finding and waking up sleepy Luffy-

So it turns out the butler was the bad guy all along..

Which leads to everyone to going to a place close to the sea shore.As much as you want to go play in the ocean blue at this type of hour Zoro nor Luffy was gonna let you have your fun, not at this moment at least...

"You sure they will come this way?It's been, like, hours.."

Usopp grunts, shakey but positive "It's the closest to the village, and if it's close, they should be coming this way-!"

"Can I go play in the sand?"

Zoro, who was holding you against your will, did not give you a full on answer.There was no way over the oil mess so no can do.Yet that did not stop Luffy from plucking you up and, with his hand stretched around your waist, helps you go to the sea shore and have your fun by lifting you over the mess and set on the other side across of them.

The only ones who didn't have so much protectiveness over you was Nami and the 'great captain' Usopp.

Besides.....Usopp lies were biting him back, and all due to that, he is carrying the burden of each one's lives on this very island..

"By this point they should be running up here-."

Luffy perks up, ears in the air "SHUUSH!..Do you guys here that...?"

Immediately Nami heard it too "That's...no way.."

"Usopp." Zoro growls out, seeing something was not right "Is there another way to get to the village?They should be all up here by now!"

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