Minor Truths

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Everything hurts...

Your vision going out of wack, heat waves of pain burning your limbs till it's completely numb, and the feeling of something uncomfortable swirling in your gut with the seemingly ideas of causing your insides to match your outside state at hand.

But you were focused on Luffy and Nami to even realizes that your wound was healing itself in a inhumanely pace...

"EH?!That kid is still alive??!" Jango's gaw dropped, not believing what he is seeing here.

Zoro watch Luffy, uncertain if he should be worried or happy at that moment "He woke up...at the wrong time, or is it the right time?"

Either way everyone watch as that rubber straw hat boy remains on his two feet, eyes covered by a shadow, not long pulls the blade out and off his head "That.." once out he screams bloody murder "..HUUURRTTSSS!"


Zoro snickers "Great timing idiot."

As that was happening, even as the orange hair bicker with a pouting straw hat along with the Neko Pirates panic at the time remaining, you noticed something weird going on with yourself again.This time however your hearing various things from the crashing waves, rocks of the shore, birds chirps, even your own breath and heart beat...

You gulp "W-What.." that time you noticed your wound was healed, more confused then ever "...what is happening to me?"

"Minor changes and enhancements to your humanly body." a deep gravel masculine voice echos from your mind, it wasn't your own so it made you jump up in suprise slash shock, before it continues "This is all happening due to you devouring that devil fruit remember?Back inside the ship??"

Yes you remember the fruit, as odd as it looks as horrible as it tasted, yet you had little words to say back but just "...who are you..?"

The voice chuckle sends shivers down your spine "My name is Venom--."


Everyone went quite, no one fought, just looked over to see the reason they all were hear.Kaya was here.A place where she was not safe at all.

Kuro stiffens up "Kaya?...Why are you out of bed?"

Even though she knew that was not her Calhador, the butler she saw as her family, she knew the truth of his lies from Meri.

"Meri...he told me everything."

Kuro eyes grown dark at that name "Meri..?" even his voice stoop low enough to be so cold "..I didn't give him any mercy, did I?"

"KAYA!GET OUT OF HERE!" Usopp screams, soon she realizes the state he was in, before continuing on "HE IS HERE TO HURT EVERYONE STARTING WITH YOU!IT'S NOT SAFE-!"

"You lied to us for so long only to be telling the truth....and now...now your here fighting alone without anyone's help!"

Usopp frowns for a second yet stood his ground "I-I...I am the great warrior of the sea-!"

"Calador!If you want just money then take it all!" Kaya shouts, teary eyed, adding a little more to it "Take it all and leave everyone of this village out of this!!S-Stop this madness!!!"

Kaya thought this was a problem that could be solved with riches yet it was not.Usopp knows that he was going to take more then that, he heard it himself and he vowed to win this fight and protect everyone from harms way.Even if it kills him.

Kuro laughs "You are an idiot." then like that his mood switch to a darker eviler version "I did not spend my three long sufferable years of earneing your trusts, prove my place here, and have been labeled among the village as the main one to care for your home....as gullible as your parents were they shared their kindness with me.They gave me shelter and food.But that was not enough.."

Kaya immediately pulls out a pistol, pointing right at Kuro.

"I seen you grown." Kuro eyes could not be seen yet spoke more "But my suffering is over, I'll take everything here and claim it as my own.Starting with you signing your will off with my name before you die."


"I been by your side from day one.We shared our troubles and had our secrets.I did everything so deaming just to earn every ounce of trust from within you!Do you understand how terrible it was to pretend to be someone that I am not?"

Tears seem to come and stream down her face, biting her lip to not show her emotional side.

"And today is the day I finally kill you."

Then like that Usopp pounced at Kuro only for him to dodge it "You hit pretty hard for a scum bag like you." bot long slash him with his cat claw blades "Let's start by killing you off frist--."

Then like that Luffy punch the captain of the Neko Pirates across the face, pissed off like the rest of his crew, not long grins like an idiot.

"If you like that punch." His grin grows wider as his arm comes back, no harm done to it, then continues "I have a thousand more hits to come!"

Grinning you stood up "Go Luffy!" but the moment Nami saw you she bolts over to your side to see if your okay.

"Can I eat this person?"

Your eyes went wide at that question, soon shouting to yourself "No!You can't eat Nami!!"

Nami, who finds your wound already healed up, gives you a dead on confused 'wtf' look.Soon she ignores it as the fight truly begins.

The Straw hats Kid [ONE PIECE X CHILD!READER]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang