always you. oscar

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requested: 'hi!! i truly love your entire blog and your imagines!! you're writing is incredible! could i ask for an imagine with oscar where the reader and oscar are together but he needs constant reassurance from her that she wants to be with him bc he thinks she can do better? so shes always letting him know that he's all she wants? just a lot of fluff pls! thank you!! 🤍🤍'

your eyes rolled, slowly drifting in and out of consciousness. your brows furrowed when you heard a loud thud followed by some muffled cusses. you pushed yourself up onto your elbows, peeking one eye open, your eyes still tired from the deep sleep you'd been in seconds earlier.

you knew who it was, he came shuffling in moments later. you often fell asleep well before oscar would get home, but almost always stirred when he'd get back as much as he tried not to wake you.

the lights were off but you could just make out his silhouette. he let out a heavy sigh, his hand moving to his face, rubbing his eyes exhausted.

"hey," you muttered, your voice soft from having just woken up. you peeped at the clock beside your bed, it was almost two in the morning. you turned back to oscar who was trudging over to your shared bed, releasing a huff when he collapsed next to you. "it's late— everything ok?"

his body relaxed under the touch of your fingertips grazing his shoulder, he pressed a soft kiss to the back of your hand. your eyes fluttered, you were so tired. you rested your head on his shoulder, eyes closing for a moment as you placed a kiss against his arm. you forced your eyes open to look at him, trying not to let yourself drift back off to sleep.

"i didn't mean to wake you," he mumbled, he sounded just as tired as you felt. you reached over and flicked on the lamp beside your bed.

the room dimly lit up, your eyes shifting straight away to the blood dripping just below his eyebrow. your eyebrows twitched into a frown, your hand touching his chin and tilting his head so you could get a better look.

"osc, you're bleeding," your teeth sinking into your bottom lip, unease sitting on your stomach. you didn't want to ask where he got it from, instead you climbed out from under the warm covers, shuffling to your shared bathroom. you knew you had a makeshift first aid kit lying around somewhere. "do i wanna know?"

oscar didn't answer you at first, he continued to lay still where you had left him. he didn't want to think about it too much, and he definitely didn't want to put any images into your head. "probably not," he mumbled. guilt and tire laced his tone. he never liked having to come home to you like this. he would often try to hide it to avoid getting you up in the middle of the night. but you had a sixth sense, you always knew, somehow, when he was hurt. he knew you deserved better than this.

this guilt had being weighing on him for quite some time and he didn't know what to do with it. he loved you, much more than you were aware of. he knew he'd do anything for you but he couldn't help but doubt everything when this kind of thing happened (which was a lot).

you moved back over to the bed, seating yourself down with your legs crossed. you patted your lap, and oscar compliantly moved so his head rested between your folded legs. you pulled out an anti-septic wipe and began to clean up the blood surrounding the wound.

he watched your face as you hovered over him, upside down. your bottom lip tugged under your teeth, eyebrows furrowed softly, careful not to hurt him as you tended to him gently.

"sorry," he was practically whispering.

your eyebrows unknitted when he spoke, losing your concentration for a second. you glanced away from the wound and down to where his eyes lay. you noticed how his eyelashes fluttered, his brown eyes tired. you shook your head, brushing off his apology.

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