anger. pt.2. oscar

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it'd been almost a week. you hadn't been back to the house since, even though all your stuff was still there. you'd been staying with your sister for now.

the past week had been hard. you'd been trying to get to grips with him not being around, trying to get on with your normal routine like nothing had happened. but it was hard. you'd come home from work and you'd stay in your room. you couldn't bare to face anyone. oscar hadn't tried to reach you, you were pretty sure he was done with you and onto the next girl, which broke your heart even more.

you knew that oscar was just mad, he couldn't control his anger, he never could, that's why he left. but after the second day with no contact, you began to realise that maybe that really was it for you two.

your sister had been telling you to forget about him. any guy that couldn't see how amazing you were, wasn't worth the hassle, she'd tell you almost every day. you were starting to believe her.

you'd spent the majority of the weekend wallowing, wondering what he was doing, whether he was in some kind of trouble, whether he was thinking about you. you wanted him to come back to you but oscar wasn't the kind to come back for a girl.

cesar had texted you a few times, asking why he hadn't seen you around the house recently. you didn't text him back, because you couldn't write an answer that sounded right. it didn't feel like you'd broken up, because you were still holding on.

your sister convinced you it was time to collect your things. so you text cesar, asking if oscar was home and when he replied with a no why? you grabbed a couple of bags and hopped in your car with your sister.

standing outside his house now, you froze. your sister knocked on the door for you, and cesar's smiley face popped up from behind the door.

"what's up, y/n? and y/n's sister." he let you inside. you saw the kitchen where you'd last spoken to him. "sorry, i don't know your name?" cesar made small talk with your sister, but you blurred out the conversation.

you were too caught up. it was too real. it was really over. oscar wasn't going to call you up after work anymore to ask about your day. you couldn't cling to him at parties anymore when you were surrounded by his friends. you were going to have to watch him live his life unfazed by you, without you.

"hey," cesar's hand touched your shoulder and you snapped out of your thoughts. he looked confused. oscar obviously hadn't told him anything. "what's this all about anyway?"

"where's oscar?" you ignored his question.

"at the store. i think." he shrugged. "what's up? i don't understand?"

"we broke up," it was the first time you'd said it aloud. your heart beat sped up when cesar frowned. "i need to get my stuff before he gets back, ok?"

cesar followed you and your sister as you all piled into oscar's room. you pulled open the draw he'd cleared out for your things, and your sister began piling your things into a bag. you began collecting things off the floor, everything was how you left it. you couldn't help but notice the bed looked like it hadn't been touched. you wondered whether he'd been struggling with sleeping again.

"i don't understand, what happened?" cesar had been bombarding you with questions that you'd been ignoring. you carried on clearing, picking up your toothbrush and your hair brush.

"it doesn't matter, alright? i'm sure he can tell you himself." you were lying. oscar didn't speak to cesar about this kind of stuff. but you also couldn't stand in this room and tell cesar about how his brother broke your heart and not cry about it. so you picked up the last of your things and chucked the bag over your shoulder.

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